Chapter Twenty Three

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Stevie and Danny got Ally into the car and drove home, Ally was silent all the way. When they got to Ally's house they sat down on the couch, Stevie went and got Ally some ice for her eye and ribs, Stevie took off Ally's shirt to reveal all the marks on her body.

Stevie: "What exactly happened?"

Ally: "Well, you know how she was calling us dykes all day?"

Stevie: "Yeah?"

Ally: "Well it just was getting on my nerves and I snapped."

Stevie: "What did Danny mean when he said 'nobody knows who she really is?"

Ally: "Thats what I wanted to tell you. A couple of years ago me and Lily were friends, I had just come out to people and she was there for me, to be honest we became better friends when I came out, we never left each others side. I think she got the wrong idea because she came onto me and I said I was interested in someone, that someone was you, when she found out she went crazy, she decided to leave school because she couldn't bare to see me just incase I told people about what happened. Then me and you began to get close and became good friends, things were going good until she transferred back and since then all she has done is make sly comments at me, and its really starting to piss me off, thats why I snapped.

Stevie: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Ally: "I didn't think that telling you she came onto me was important."

Stevie: "I don't mean that, why didn't you tell me she has been like this with you?"

Ally: "Its embarrassing."

Stevie: "I've said that you can tell me anything and I mean that."

Danny: "I've told you if anything happens to you or if you get hurt I'm going to kill her."

Ally: "I know I should have told you two everything, but I thought I could just ignore it."

After a while of talking Stevie, Danny and Ally came to an agreement, leave the situation alone unless Ally says to do something about it. Ally didn't want to cause any trouble, she knew how it felt to be outed to people and it wasn't fair to do it.

Danny: "I'm only staying another hour, I have a date."

Ally: "Ooh, who's the lucky lady."

Danny: "If it goes well I will tell you then."

Stevie: "I hope it does then you don't have to third-wheel when we go out."

Danny: "Third-wheeling is the worst."

Stevie: "I know I used to be that person, especially when I was out with Shannon and Cammie."

The conversation carried on, Ally felt so much better now having it off her chest. As the night went on everyone was having a good time, there was laughing, at one point Ally was crying from laughing.

Danny: "I'm going to have to go home and get ready."

Ally: "I don't want you to go, we're having such a good time."

Danny: "If I didn't have a date, I wouldn't go."

Stevie: "Well, do you want to watch Netflix?"

Ally: "You cant watch Netflix with snacks though."

Stevie: "I guess I'm walking out with you Danny, she has spoken, she wants snacks."

Stevie left Ally on the couch, while Stevie was gone Ally put Netflix on and got into bed. When Stevie got back she jumped onto the bed, Ally rested her head on Stevie's chest and put Dexter on. After a few hours Stevie realised that Ally had fallen asleep, she turned off the T.V and rested her head on Ally's. 

I'm sorry that it is so short, I'm still in bed ill and I wanted to put something up, I promise the next chapter will be longer, hopefully it will be up mid-week.

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