Chapter Two

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All Stevie could think about when she was in the rest of her classes was that she got to spend the night with Ally, even though she had a game, she was still happy that she asked her to go. Her last class was with Shannon and Cammie so when they were found out they had to do their project in groups, they decided, they worked together on it ...

Shannon: "So, do you want to come to my house tonight and we can start early."

Stevie: "Ermm ... well I have something I'm doing so I cant tonight."

Cammie: "Who are you going out with."

Stevie: "Well, Ally asked me to go to her basketball game, so I thought I would go to that."

Shannon and Cammie looked at each other and grinned, did they know Stevie liked Ally or were they judging her for going to a basketball game. They both looked back at her and said ...

Cammie: "You hate basketball, so why are you really going?"

Stevie: "Because Ally asked me to."

Shannon: "So this is about Ally, do you like her or something?"

Stevie: "Well ... its just that ..."

Shannon: "You like her, you like Ally, the star of the basketball team"

Stevie went to defend herself when the bell rang for the end of the day, she quickly picked up her bag and power walked out of the classroom to avoid the rest of the conversation with Shannon and Cammie. When she got outside the classroom Ally was already stood there waiting for her.

Ally: "Hey lady, are you ready to go."

Stevie: "Of course I am."

When they turned to walk towards the gym Shannon and Cammie walked out of the classroom and looked at Stevie, they laughed and smiled at her.

Shannon: "Call us tonight, we need to talk."

As the girls walked into the gym, Stevie realised that the gym was empty.

Stevie: "Why are we here this early, theres no one here yet."

Ally: "Well, I thought we could maybe have a practise before the game."

Stevie: "We?, I am not the best at basketball, I would embarrass myself in front of you"

Ally: "I can teach you some stuff if you want me to." she said smirking

Stevie: "Ok, I would like that."

Ally walked over to Stevie and held out her hand to help Stevie up, when they got on the court Ally looked at Stevie and said ...

Ally: "What is your shooting like?"

Stevie: "I'm ok at it, but I'm not the best at it."

Ally: "Well, come here then and we can work on it."

Stevie walked over to Ally and tried shooting a couple of times and missed.

Ally: "Do you mind if I give you some tips?"

Stevie: "Please help me here I'm just stood embarrassing myself."

Ally: "What I like to do is get a feel of the ball, don't look at me like that, I know it sound weird but you need to know the weight of it so you know how much power to put into the shot. Then start shooting from chest height, just so you get used to the motion and then start shooting with a slight jump, this will help with distance."

When Stevie started shooting from chest height she was making the shots. Ally was sat admiring Stevie, she knew she liked her, but she didn't know if Stevie felt the same, so she wanted to spend more time with her to get to know her better. Then Ally noticed when it came to the jump shots she would do it in front of Ally because she didn't want to embarrass herself.

Ally: "Do you want me to help you?"

Stevie: "Yeah sure, what do you want me to do?."

Ally: "Just stay where you are I will help."

Ally got up and walked over to Stevie, and stood behind her and put her hands on top of Stevie's helping her hold the ball correctly, Stevie could feel Ally breathing on her neck, her heart started racing, she liked Ally and she wanted to tell her, she was going to tell her then, but as she was about to she heard someone come into the gym ...

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