Chapter Eight

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Ally woke up to see Stevie was still asleep, she smiled and leaned down and kissed Stevie's forehead. Stevie groaned and looked up at Ally ...

Stevie: "What time is it?"

Ally: "7am."

Stevie: "Are you kidding me?"

Ally: "Nope."

Stevie: "Does this mean we are actually going to school?"

Ally: "Yes so get up lady I need to get ready."

Stevie rolled over off of Ally and sat up in the bed and watched Ally. When Ally got up off the bed and put her music on and took off her shirt and turned towards Stevie ...

Ally: "Is there a problem?"

Stevie: "Nope I'm just enjoying the view, thats all."

Ally: "Oh really."

Stevie: "Its a great view."

Ally: "Come here."

Ally held out her hands helping Stevie out of bed, leaning in and kissing her, Ally pulled back and put her hands on Stevie's waist and Stevie put her hands on Ally's shoulders and started to dance to the music playing, Stevie put her head on her shoulder. Then both girls were startled to hear Ally's alarm going off ...

Stevie: "You have got to be kidding me, we could have just been getting up now."

Ally: "Yeah, but I wanted to spend more time with you today, we only have Math together."

Stevie: "You're sweet. Although I have to ask you about school today, are we going to hide that we are together or are we going to be open about it."

Ally: "I want everyone to know how lucky I am to have you. If thats ok with you?"

Stevie: "I am so ok with that."

Both girls got ready and made their way to Ally's car, Ally opened the car door for Stevie and closed it when she got in. They took the coast road to school, going past the place where they made it official, it made Stevie smile, when she looked at Ally she was also smiling, 'I have never been this happy in my life, why did she choose me?' she thought to herself.

When they turned up at school, Ally again ran around to Stevie's door and took her hand and helped her out of the car. Walking side by side they kept taking quick glances at each other and laughing, Ally reached over to Stevie and took her hand and kissed the back of her hand. They made their way into school and were met by Shannon, Cammie and Danny.

Danny: "Hey you." he said as he hugged Ally.

Ally: "It seems like you have been gone for ages."

Danny: "So, what have I missed?"

Cammie: "Well, Stevie and Ally are together."

Danny: "What? You told her how you felt? Finally!"

Stevie: "Finally."

Danny: "The last time you came to one of her basketball games she was meant to tell you at the end but she chickened out."

Stevie looked at Ally who was now blushing ...

Ally: "You cant keep you mouth shut can you."

Danny: "Nope. Especially when it means I can embarrass you."

They made their way toward their Math class when Stevie remembered that Danny was in her class, that would probably mean Ally would move and sit with him. When they entered the classroom Ally walked over and sat next to Stevie ...

Stevie: "Don't you want to sit with Danny?"

Ally: "He's literally sat next to us, we can still talk, also I would rather sit with you."

All the way through the class the girls would reach over and hold each others hands and tease each other, too Stevie's relief the bell rang for class to be over, she couldn't take too much more of it.

Stevie: "Meet me at 12 in the bathrooms." she said as she ran to her next class.

At 12 Ally made her way to the bathrooms and was looking around for Stevie, when she turned around she was met by Stevie ...

Ally: "Whats wrong?"

Stevie: "Nothing I just wanted too ..."

Stevie reached for Ally cupping her cheek in her hand, she kissed her passionately, Ally put her hand up Stevie's shirt playing with the bottom of it, Stevie made her way to Ally's neck leaving love bites down her neck, she began to undo Ally's jeans when Shannon walked in ...

Shannon: "Woah guys, I am defiantly scarred for life."

Ally: "Well this is awkward." she said as she was buttoning her jeans back up.

Stevie: "We better get back to class then."

When they made their way back to their classes Stevie looked at Ally lovingly, she loved her, but she didn't want to take things too fast, telling Stevie she loved her could ruin everything they had. There are two ways she could react, she could say she loves her back or she might not feel the same yet and she could break things off, 'Do I tell her and risk everything' Ally thought to herself as she walked back to her music class. 

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