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As I was enjoying the ride, I realized that we should have been at the gym by now. I mean, a long time ago. Jace has been driving for a good 20 minutes now. And on a bike, it should've only taken about five minutes to get to the gym.

"Jace!" I tried shouting at him. But I knew he couldn't here me. "Jace!" I tired louder but let's face it, I could barely hear myself shouting. What could I do? Jump off? No, I would die for sure. So I have to wait until he stops to rip his head off.

My heart was beating ten times its normal rate when we came towards some woods. This is it, he is going to do only god knows what and then kill me. I thought to myself. Then, I caught a glimpse of a fire and a bunch of cars parked everywhere.

Jace parked his bike beside another, Roy's 954. When the bike was stable I jumped off and ripped the helmet from my head. "This is not Homecoming Jace!" I shouted angrily. "Calm down Princess, its better than some lame dance." he said taking the helmet from my hands and placing it on his bike seat.

"No! Take me back, Jace. Grace is waiting for me and, and I am going to stab you if you don't!!" I shouted, throwing out a random threat. "Sure you are." he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the woods. "Let me go!" I demanded.

"You really look like a princess in that dress." he smirked, ignoring my request. "Jace!" I shouted, trying to pull away but he was much stronger than me. His hand tightened around my small wrist, assuring me that I wasn't going anywhere.

We approached a group of people. Roy and Noah were both there. "Look who decided to join us tonight." Jace said. "More like he decided for me." I scoffed. Roy chuckled and smirked, "Where's her friend?" Was he talking about Grace?

Of course he was, oh my gosh! "She is at the dance." I said. "Pity." he mumbled. Whoa, wait until I tell Grace, she is going to flip! I don't know what he means by that though. Whatever he means, he still asked so I am counting it.

I stood by Jace for a few minutes but got bored, him and his friends were just being dumb guys and talking about cars, with the girls dropping in and out flirting occasionally. I decided to walk back home.

Even if it takes until the morning to get there, but honestly I have no idea where I am right now. I started to walk away from Jace and his friends. I walked towards the way Jace drug me in. "Hey pretty thing." a drunk guy slurred, grabbing at me.

I hit his hands away and pushed him aside. That happened a few more times before a guy came at me, running and yelling "WHOOOO! WE ARE PARTY ANIMALS!" I tried to move out of his way but he swooped me up and started running with me in his arms.

I was screaming, "Put me down you baboon!" Then, he tossed me into the huge lake were people were skinny dipping, in my dress, my beautiful dress. "No!" I yelled pulling my phone out of my bra. Thank god for the life proof case, I think I would have had a heart attack.

"UGH!!" I groaned dramatically, pulling my soaked body out of the mucky lake. I tried walking again, hopefully someone won't throw me in the lake of naked teenagers again. EWE. That is so gross. People were laughing at me and my smudged makeup and my matted hair.

My dress was clinging to my cold, shivering body. I hate my life right now. All of a sudden everyone started to get louder and my senses were sensitive. The fire was suddenly to bright, the crickets and drunk kids were too loud. I was having a migraine/panic attack.

Great. I was breathing slowly, in and out. I had to get out of here. Why was one side of the woods more clear and abnormal than the other? Oh, god. My right contact fell out. It must've been when I hit the water.

I checked my phone, no service. Maybe I could call the cops and crash the party. But then, I would get in trouble too so I better not. Plus, its not like me to tattle on a bunch of kids trying to have some fun, even if its illegal.

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