Twenty Two

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"Its time." I said. Mackenzie nodded and grabbed both of my hands as we stood deep in the woods on the outskirts of time. "Remember boys, in and out, that is it." I reminded. "Got it, Wesley you'll let us in?" Jace asked.

"Right, then you take them out." Wesley said. "Okay, your thing." Roy said. We stood our ground, locking our grips. She started and I followed her, "Keschede sede ni canun, Keschede sede ni canun..." we repeated as I focused on Jace and Roy, since we are only cloaking them.

"Its done, they are cloaked." Wesley said.  I looked up and they were there, in front of me. "Cadence, you are cloaked with them, I also cloaked you so you can uncloak them...just follow them and don't freak out." Mackenzie said.

I nodded and looked at the boys. "I don't like that." Jace said. "Tough, they can't here you and I am not uncloaking us yet." I said. "Follow me." Wesley shouted at no one in particular. Since, he doesn't know where we are exactly.

All three of us followed Wesley to a small house that was too familiar. It was Mrs. Flower's house. When Wesley told me that she died I was so upset. It angered me that Tobias had killed her...his wife from way back when!

"So, I take Argus, since I know what he looks like." Jace said. Roy nodded, "So I have the teacher." "Just get it done quickly, I don't want any more trouble, I just want to be halfway normal again." I sighed.

Wesley opened the door, "I am here!" he shouted as we made our way in. He closed the door just in time. "Great! Boy, is the deed done?" I guess that was Argus. Man he was looker. Too bad. "Yes sir, I killed her, no one can tell now." Wesley said.

Kill who? "Sorry, I am so sorry you had to kill your sister...she was a very lovely girl. She was so much fun too." Tobias said. Jace snapped his head at me. "I didn't know, wow..." is all I could say. "I couldn't have her reach out to Cadence after we were done here." Wesley said.

He has another sister...oh my gosh. But how? "He has so much to explain to me." I muttered as Jace and Roy got in positions. "Yeah, I am sorry too." Wesley said. Just as the two men stood confused, Jace pulled out Argus's heart.

Roy was a second too late when Tobias sped to the other side of the room yelling for a Janet? I saw a slim black woman come out, chanting. My head pounded and I fell to the ground, same with Jace and Roy.

"Wesley!" Tobias screamed. "Shit!" Wesley yelled. "Cadence?" Tobias asked. I guess they can see us now. "Roy!" Jace hollered. Roy sped and jumped on Tobias, Tobias was quick in ripping his heart out. I saw Roy lying there, unconscious on the floor. I whimpered.

Oh no.

So Jace ran up and threw Tobias across the room. Tobias stood up, angered. He and Jace butted heads for what seemed like hours until Tobias ripped his heart out too. "Jace?" I squeaked as Wesley stepped up to Tobias.

"Now, you know you won't win against me. Take these two pathetic excuses of vampires for example." Tobias laughed. The woman, Janet, she just completely vanished.

Wesley stood his ground though and they started to fight. I tried to think of something, anything actually to help Wesley win. A linking spell! Yes! I will link my life to Tobias and...well...die. But only to save the rest of my friends.

"Phasmatos Tribum Melan Veras Raddiam Onu Pavadus Ponemus." I repeated until I felt our energy connect with each other. I really hope this works. I can't believe that I actually remembered. Now, everything that happens to me, happens to him, so if my heart comes out...then so does his.

I looked around, maybe if I stab myself with wood... I grabbed a wooden leg from a chair Jace broke earlier and stabbed my leg. I heard Tobias scream in pain and saw that his leg magically split open.  I gritted my teeth and started to breath heavily.

I just stabbed myself in the leg. Wesley was still down. Losing this fight to be exact. So I brought the wood to my heart. I can not believe I am doing this. But I have to...

I went to stab myself but I pulled it away. I got scared. I did that a few times before I actually did it. I screamed and fell to the floor, Tobias did also. Wesley rushed to me. My vision was going out but the last thing I saw was Tobias's veins coming out of his entire body, like Jace, Roy, and Argus's did when they died.

Then it went black.

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