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"Hey!" Grace smiled as I came into first period. I was later than usual, way later than I have ever been to school. "Hey." I said, taking my seat next to my best friend. "Why are you so late? I tried to text and call but you didn't answer, I didn't know what was wrong or what happened." she asked.

"Oh, my phone died last night." I said. "What do you mean it died last night? You never take your phone off the charger." she said. "Oh, I was uh, not at my house last night and I didn't have a charger." I said.

"Then, where were you?" she asked, even more confused now. "Oh, I was at Jace's h-house." I said quickly and quietly. "What!?' she gasped. Everyone in the class stopped what they were doing and stared at her.

"Nothing to see here, continue with what you were doing!" I said, "Shush, Grace. It wasn't like that. I just slept over..." "Yeah, sure." she said. "Nothing happened, I swear and if it did, why would I keep it from you?" I asked, making a point.

"True, did you least, cuddle?" she whispered. "Yeah, it was great." I sighed, smiling. She giggled and said, "I want to cuddle Roy." "I bet you do." I laughed. We pulled our notebooks out and started to take notes.


The sun burned my eyes as I opened them. I let my eyes adjust before getting up. It is Saturday and I feel oddly happy. I mean, maybe its because Jace and I could hang out today. But, I can't get my hopes up, he could be busy.

You know, I have been putting it off but I wonder why they moved here...and why their records were so clean, even though they don't really do anything wrong, just sneak into people's houses to see their daughters and go to parties.

Not that they try anything on Grace and I, which I don't understand because they seem like the people to get all they can. But still, they don't try. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and it was Jace. I wonder what he wants. I smiled at my phone as I opened it.

From: Dark Prince: Open your window

What? I walked over to my window and opened it. I looked down and saw Jace climbing up the side of my house! What the heck! He has cat-like agility, how is that possible? Then, before I knew it he was in my room, standing in front of me.

"Good morning." he smiled. "Morning, what are you doing in here?" I asked. He shrugged as he pulled out one of my sketchbooks, oh god. "Jace. Put that back." I said, nervously. He smiled and flipped it open to the most recent page. "NO!" I shouted, trying to pull the book out his hands.

He saw it, too late. I am dead. Now, he thinks I am creepy and scary. His eyes widened and looked at me, then the book, then me, and the book over and over again. "Look-" he cut me off, "You did this?" he asked.

I nodded slowly. "I don't remember sitting down for this." he smiled. "You didn't, it was from memory." I said, embarrassed. "Its great." he smiled, biting his lip. I didn't say anything. "You, know, I have never had someone draw me." he smiled.

I laughed, "I feel weird, could you put the book back?" "No, I think I am going to frame this and put it on my wall." he smirked. I blushed. He slid the book back on my shelf, exactly how I had it. He knows how OCD I am about some things.

He laid on my bed and I took a seat. "I have a question that has been bothering me, you don't have to answer right away but, I just would like to know since we are close now. Unless we aren't, are we close? I-" He cut me off, "What is your question?"

"How come you moved here? I mean, I am glad you did but, why?" I asked. "Roy, Noah, and I got kicked out of school for fighting. That is all I am saying for now." he said. I nodded. "So, anyways. What are you doing here?" I asked.

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