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So, Saturday with Jace and Roy went way better than I had expexted it to be. I mean, we watched movies almost all day until Grace and Roy left after the third or fourth movie. Not at the same time though. Grace had to go home and Roy's mom called him, they left like 30 minutes between each other.

I have to say though, they hit it off. But after they left it was just Jace and I alone. It was a little awkward at first but we began talking a little. Yeah, is still arrogant and in every scary movie, he laughed at the most Gruesome parts.

But I didn't mind. It was a little creepy at some times though. We didn't really get to know each other's past, we just talked. Like we got to know the little things and we never left the living room. But there were times when he would just randomly eye rape me and bite his lip.

I was debating whether or not to kiss him, he was that tempting. But I decided against it, don't want to scare him off. He asked about my glasses and I told him about the contacts and he said something I didn't expect him to say; "I like them."

But it is Monday again and I am getting ready for school. I am definitely wearing my glasses. Okay, so maybe I have developed a small crush but in my defense this is the only attention I have ever gotten from a guy that wasn't a family member.

And it feels good, makes me feel really good about myself. I know that I don't need a guy to make me feel good but it does. I dug in my closet pulling out a gray t-shirt, some dark skinny jeans and black sandals.

I walked to my window, to make sure everything was secured so I could get dressed. I saw Jace He was dressed in a leather jacket, a gray t-shirt, and his usual dark jeans and boots with his hair in a perfect quiff and his rings.

He looked at me, smiling. I waved and he waved back in a flirting manner. I smiled and shut my curtains to get dressed. I threw my hair into a cute messy ponytail and slipped my glasses on my face. My car was picked up yesterday and taken to the shop.

Maybe Jace could give me a ride to school, I mean I hope he would because if not I am stuck walking and that would be a long walk. A really long walk. I opened my curtain, he was still in there, good. I hope he will look up.

I opened up my window and grabbed a foam softball. I threw it at his window, hoping to get his attention. I crossed my fingers. He walked to his window and opened it, he looked at the ball on the ground then looked at me.

"What was that for?" he laughed. "I need a ride, my car is in the shop!" I sort of asked loudly. I mean, our rooms are literally 15 feet apart. They are extremely close, which is very weird. "Come outside, I will give you one." He said happily.

That sounded wrong. Oh, well. I smiled and ran downstairs. Where the heck are my parents at? I walked out the front door and saw Jace coming out of his front door, helmet in his hands. I guess my parents are going to work super early again.

I saw a smile spread across Jace's face when I made my way over to his yard and to him. "Here you are Princess." He said, placing his helmet on my head. "Do I have to wear this thing? I want to feel the wind on my face." I asked.

"Well, not if you want bugs in those pretty teeth." He said slipping on some sunglasses. "But you don't have one." I pointed out. He laughed and got on his bike. Noah walked out and gave a strange look. "Hello..." he said awkwardly.

"Hi" I smiled, getting on the back of Jace's bike and wrapping my arms around him. I am like, extremely happy right now for some reason. I don't know why though...Maybe its because I enjoy riding on a motorcycle.

He revved up and sped off towards the school, Noah following behind in his Porsche. We stopped by a house, it was cute with the walls painted dark smoky blue and even darker trim. There was a small patch of flowers, roses to be exact, lined up perfectly along the front of the hallway.

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