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"Ugh....mmm." I groaned, hitting my palm on the snooze button to my digital alarm clock. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slowly sat up, looking around my dimmed, zebra themed bedroom. The only light was coming from the window across the room, only allowing a small amount of sun seep through my thick purple curtain.

I sighed, kicking the blanket to my side. I immediately felt a wave of cool air hit my body. But it is nothing new, I do this every morning. I jumped up, letting my bare feet hit the cold, wooden flooring. I instantly got another chill throughout my body, but again. It's nothing knew.

I feel this every morning when I wake up for school. It is just going to be another boring day, seeing the same faces, having the same conversations, and repeating again.

I drug myself into the hallway, slowly entering the bathroom. I felt the wall for the tiny piece of plastic and flipped on the light switch. I waited for my eyes to adjust before brushing my teeth. I looked at my reflection.

My naturally brown hair and died blonde highlights fell limp on my head, and was knotted up from my slumber. My hazel blue eyes had light purple bags under them from not getting enough sleep. I blame the television for that.

But I am not complaining one bit. I washed my face and tussled through my nappy hair with the brush until it was finally back to its soft and silky nature. Monday should be considered a weekend. Students are like zombies and the teachers are way more crabbier.

And I absolutely can not stand those people who are so peppy on Mondays. Like do you ever shut up and act normal? Okay, that was a little rude but my point came across. Hopefully it did.

I did a quick fishtail braid the side and went back into my room, turning on my light and walking to my closet for something to throw on. I put on the first thing I saw; a blue and red three quarter length button up shirt, dark ( almost black looking ) skinny jeans, and a pair of brown leather combat boots.

Since it was chilly outside, which I didn't mind at all. I love fall, it is my favorite season. It is the weather that is cool but you can still wear shorts in. I tossed a gray, knitted beanie on my head to top off the outfit.

I stood at my dresser, quickly putting on some concealer and powder before I walked downstairs to my parents. I added some cherry chap stick and grabbed my small shoulder purse, which consisted of; ear buds, an extra phone charger, feminine products ( just incase ), and one mechanical pencil and one blue pen.

I grabbed my phone and sketchbook, then headed downstairs. "Good morning, Cadence. Sleep well?" dad asked. "Morning." I said in a dull, low whisper. "Did you stay up again, watching those...shows?" Mom asked in an irritated tone.

She doesn't really like that I watch all those shows. She thinks they are too morbid. Little does she know, I am in love with Tim Burton films. If she found out, she would flip a switch. My dad knows though, he enjoys that stuff too.

"Yes, I have to catch up. I don't want to get behind. Its not like I can watch them when they come on." I said. "That is your fault, you don't have to do half the stuff that you do." She snapped. I have never heard a parent tell their kids to stop being active.

"I don't understand why you even bother with those horrid shows. They should give you nightmares." she went on. I rolled my eyes. "Beth, calm down. She enjoys that stuff. leave her alone." Dad laughed. "Oh, quiet Jim. You are just saying that because you watch them too!" mom said, still irritated.

"I am going to be late for school, love you guys, bye." I said. "Oh, love you sweetie." mom said. "Love you too." dad called as I walked out of the door. I slipped into my white 2013 Dodge Dart. I cut the engine on and backed out of the driveway.

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