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I looked up from my drawing, daring to test whoever it was hovering like an annoying helicopter. I had a pretty good feeling of who it was though. My stomach was practically doing summersaults and my heart was running a marathon.

I am hoping that it isn't Jace, maybe just a random guy wanting my table. But it was Jace, the Dark Prince. Wow, that name is kind of catching on. "Well, twice in one day. Princess, are you following me?" he asked, smirking.

My heart just melted. "In your dreams. And I was here first, you are obviously following me." I said. He smiled, Okay. My heart is stopping, I think I may have a heart attack. "Maybe so." he said. I don't know what that is supposed to mean but okay.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to not make this awkward at all. Even though that, that is how this conversation is going to be or end up. "Just looking for a place to hang out.-" he took the seat in front of me- "You know, I wouldn't mind a tour of this little town you call home." he finished.

"We are outside of town, thirty minutes away. What are you doing here?" I said. "Geese, you act like I am not allowed to be here. Lighten up, princess." He said, smiling that dumb playful yet, wicked smile of his.

I know this might sound stupid but I had to ask, "Did you seriously follow me here?" "So what if I did?" he asked soberly. I think that sounds very creepy. I gave him a strange, freaked out look. "God, I'm kidding princess. Noah needed a new pair of boots." he laughed.

Somehow, that didn't sound like the reason but I didn't question it. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Homecoming." I am keeping my responses short and simple. I have to, or I will embarrass myself.

"Princess, I don't think the dance is here, and if it is then you aren't dressed properly." he joked. I said, irritated, "Dress shopping for Homecoming." "Typical." he said under his breath. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, offensively.

"Oh you know, just your typical Varsity Cheerleader. Preppy and Popular, with her BFF, playing dress up in expensive clothes." he said. "You don't know me at all-hold on, how'd you know I was a varsity cheerleader?"

"I do my homework, princess. I asked around and you are very popular." Jace said, you know, I don't think he has actually told me his name. "You and your friend Grace." he added. "No, we are just well known, there is a difference." I said.

Him and his arrogant attitude are really pissing me off. If I had a drink, it would be in his face about now and I would be dragging Grace out of this place. "Oh, yeah? How so?" he asked, curiously taunting me.

"Everyone knows my our names and faces, give or take a few facts but they do not know us." I explained to his law breaking, delinquent, arrogant, gorgeous face. "Well, everyone at school seems to be taken with the two of you. No one has anything bad to say." He said.

"Is that such a bad thing?" I asked in a 'duh' tone. "So my guess is that you are the typical Barbie." he continued, ignoring my question. "And what exactly is that?" I asked, growing more annoyed by the minute.

He held they playful look and kept the arrogant tone when he replied, "Oh. You know, the perfect teenage image. The stuck up, conceited, queen bee who makes every guy turn their head and has every girl fantasizing about taking your place."

He is irking me so bad right now. If I had something to throw, I would throw it and hope that it broke his beautiful nose. "Wow, you think you have me all figured out don't you? Well you don't know me at all. You shallow bastard." I said in a 'I will cut you' tone.

"How am I shallow, again?" he asked. If I was blushing earlier, it was gone because right now my face is pure fire, in anger. Who does he think that he is? Coming in here and trying to tell me who I am. It would be one thing if he was even remotely close but he is way off.

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