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I was squealing but everything was muffled so I doubt anyone can hear me, I continued yelling anyways. The person was carrying me over their shoulder, so its either a man or a very strong woman. They blind folded me and put a gag in my mouth.

What is happening!? This seriously can not be happening. Where is Grace? I heard a door open and the person threw me down somewhere...a trunk maybe? I hope its not. I screamed bloody murder and then the door closed.

Still yelling, the car started and took off. I felt around, I am definitely in a trunk. I started to kick and beat the roof of the trunk. It wasn't working, nothing was. No one is going to get me at this point and this person isn't going to stop and let me go.

Why is this happening? I haven't done anything to make anyone kidnap me have I? Oh, god what if Mackenzie planned this to get me back for the Jace thing, because she has been in the worst mood since then.

No, she wouldn't do this. Is she even capable of this? I just kept screaming until the car took a sharp turn and my gag fell out. "Help! Somebody help me please!" I shouted. Why haven't I taken this blindfold off yet?

I went to reach for a tie but there was nothing there, what? But I couldn't see anything? How is that possible? I am going to die tonight and I won't get to say goodbye to anyone and I won't get to kiss Jace at least once.

Okay, why am I thinking about him right now? I could be dead in the next second and he would be the last thing on my mind. The car stopped and so did my heart. "Let me out! LET. ME. OOOUUUTTT!" I yelled.

The trunk opened and I begged, "Please, let me go. I'll do anything, I promise. Just let me go." The person chuckled, it was definitely a male, why can't I see him? Am I dreaming? "Be careful with what you say." the guy said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I squealed and kicked but the only thing I am hurting is my vocal chords. But I sill kept trying. I could hear the wind whistling in the trees around me. We must be in the woods, yay. I am going to die. He is going to rape me and throw me in a ditch.


He threw me in a chair and pulled my arms above my head, tying them to something above me. I couldn't move them. I was sobbing now. He grabbed my leg and I kicked him. He mumbled something and forced my leg and tied it to the chair.

He tied my other one to the chair. "Let me go, please. I won't tell anyone!" I sobbed. I felt a hand run up my inner thigh, I cried out. Then I heard him whisper "Shush" I cried even more, "No, no, no, no. Oh please god no!"

If Derek Morgan doesn't barge in and save me, I will never watch that show again! Actually, by the look of things I don't think I will get to even turn the TV on again...

Then I heard laughter and not just an evil laugh, it was filled with amusement. Like I would laugh if I watched a comedy roast. "I got you, princess." Jace laughed even harder. What. The. Heck? I am beyond ticked off right now.

"Jace!" I growled, sniffling a little. "What?" he asked, chuckling and removing whatever it was covering my face. Jace was there, smiling. "Untie me you son of a-" he cut me off, "Ah, ah, ah. No need for those ugly words."

Wow. "Oooh, you are a sick son of a gun! You are seriously not in your right mind, why would you do this! You are insane! Let me go! Now!" I demanded. "So that you can kick my ass? No thank you." he said pulling up another chair and sat down.

"You were screaming so loud, you really though you were in danger." he laughed. "You are sick." I said. Oh my, I just realized that I am in a thin, silky camisole with no bra on and matching shorts. At least I am wearing underwear...

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