Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Killer

WARNING: Chapter involves murder

"Quit your job," his eyes had daggars.

"No. I can't. Even if I'm not paid much, this is my only way to pay rent," the younger one frowned.

"I don't care. I know you work at the resturaunt not too far away. I also know your parents help pay for your first year at college," Taehyung crossed his arms, a slight smirk forming on his face.

"I...But I...I have to pay rent. Who are you to tell me to quit!?" The younger raised his voice. Taehyung sighed and then began to laugh. "What!? What's so funny?"

"I can do something so terrible to you and the people around you. If I were you, I'd quit." The younger lost his words. What could he possibly do?

"I'm not going to quit," the younger one finalized his words. Taehyung shrugged.

"That's on you then." Taehyung walked away from the younger. He knew what had to happen if he wouldn't quit.


"So you heard about that woman that was murdered, right?" A woman in a yellow dress was on the phone. She was buying a hangover drink. "I know! Totally gross! It made me sick."

"Ma'am," Taehyung spoke. She glanced at him. "You have to pay, please," he said. She paid him with a twenty.

"Keep the change." And then she walked away. Some people are so wasteful.

"Taehyung-ah," his boss came out from the back. Taehyung bowed. "Why hasn't Sungwon-ssi been coming to work? He came late for two days and now he hasn't come back," his boss asked.

"Oh, um," Taehyung thought for a moment, "he must be sick or want to quit. Call him," he finished.

"Ah, yes well you know I'm busy, Taehyung," his boss wanted him to call. Taehyung caught on.

"Oh you must be! I'll call him and if nessessary I can even fire him, just in case," Taehyung fought back a smile.

"Oh, you're such a good employee, Taehyung-ssi! Thanks!" With that his boss left. Taehyung decided to call Sungwon.


Min Haru had managed to finish her work by the next day but she had to stay up until six in the morning. Luckily, she didn't have work the next day. Haru had spent the morning lazing around with her twin, Min Hana. She wanted to spend the whole day like that until her mother changed her plans. "Haru-ah, I set up a date with my friend's son. He's quite handsome and he thought you were very pretty. He kind of looks like that actor for one of your shows," Younghee winked.

"Aish, mom, I can get a boyfriend by myself!" Haru groaned.

"Aigoo, stop whining! He is very handsome!"

"Yeah, Haru! I wish mom got me handsome men!" Hana responded.

"You have a boyfriend, I'm not getting you one!" Younghee rolled her eyes. "Just go. I'll show you a picture too! I have one!" Younghee begged. Haru sighed and nodded.

"Fine. Only for you and besides, you said he is handsome. If he is really handsome, then I'll go."

"Haru, a man is not about his looks!" Hana slapped her arm lightly.

"I know, it's just a bonus, Hana! Anyways, come show me the picture." The picture was of a man with black hair. Younghee was right, he was very handsome but he didn't quite look like someone from a drama.

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