Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: It's Taehyung


Taehyung had to meet with Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook to discuss the plan to deal with R.G and their mysterious leader, Mr. Nam.

"So this Mr. Nam guy, you know him?" Jimin asked Yoongi. Yoongi sat in one of the chairs facing Jimin.

"No. Nobody really knows this guy. A few of the highest rankers do but it's hard enough to get to them as is," Yoongi explained.

"Why can't we just become a member of the gang?" Jungkook asked. "You, under cover?" Yoongi shook his head.

"That's impossible in our case. It takes at least six monthe to a year to become a simple gaurd in R.G, it would take at least fifteen to twenty if you aren't in with connections," told Yoongi.

"We could pretend to betray you?" Jimin suggested. Yoongi though for a second.

Yoongi asked Jimin, "how do you propose that?" Jimin bit his lip while he thought.

"Jungkook! He started the mess, right? He could say he began the whole ordeal to get us killed since we're such an easy and small set-up," Taehyung added in. Yoongi didn't know if that would work. But then again, every plan was risky and dangerous and they had to create one that was full-proof with no flaws or loopholes.

"Maybe. We'll come up with a few plans to choose from. Whichever seems the most suitable, safe, and gets rid of R.G will be the one we choose," Yoongi stood and went upstairs. Jimin and Jungkook decided to stay in the basement, creating plans and ideas while Taehyung went to grab some lunch down at the diner that was close by.

Recently he had learned from Jungkook that, as scetchy as it was, the diner was cheap and the food was good. Taehyung liked ordering a simple cheeseburger with fries and a drink, which was normally coffee, tea, or cola.

"Taehyung, you want the same?" The waitress, Saeron, asked. She was always smiling around Taehyung but he didn't know if that was good customer service or if she had a thing for him.

"Just make it my regular. And tea this time," Taehyung replied.

His food came quicker than most. He was finishing up his burger and moving on to eat his fries when he saw Haru walk in with Namjoon. He wondered why they were in that side of town and why they were together? Sure, they were friends but where was Hoseok?

"Oh! Namjoon look!" Haru grinned as she pointed at Taehyung who had ketchup on his face. Namjoon didn't look to peachy about seeing Taehyung but Taehyung didn't take note of it.

"Hey," Namjoon smiled, sitting in the booth with Taehyung.

"What are you doing here?" Haru chirped, sitting by Namjoon.

"I could ask you the same," replied Taehyung as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. Creating a lie, Taehyung said, "Anyways, I was jusy close by and figured I'd check the place out."

"Ah~ Okay. Namjoon suggested we hang out and he said this place is good," Haru explained.

"Yeah. I used to live down here in my younger days," Namjoon told Haru.

Taehyung quickly finished eating and left while Namjoon and Haru were eating.


"Finally," Namjoon mumbled under his breath. Haru looked at him, confused.


"Nothing. I just meant," he glanced around, "the waitress! I wanted more fries," Namjoon chuckled. He waved the waitress over and ordered some fries. "Haru...Isn't Hoseok strange?" Namjoon asked.

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