Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Target: Do Youngsik


"Okay, great! Since you'll be coming around more, let me introduce you to the people I work with real fast," Suga said, pushing back his chair and leaving the room. Taehyung followed suit. They went back into the hallways that connected the livingroom and the kitchen.

Suga went to the single door on the right and told Taehyung to wait in the kitchen. A few minutes later Suga returned with a short man. The short man had red hair that began fading out and wore a black shirt that said Supreme and light denim jeans. "This is Jimin," Suga said. "Jimin, this is Kim Taehyung. He's going to work on Do Youngsik's case." Jimin nodded.

"So...Are you guys partners?" Taehyung asked. Suga laughed and Jimin stiffled a chuckle.

"No. Jiminie just helps around. He was the one who took your photos. I get him to follow people," Suga explained to Taehyung.

"What about Ko-" Jimin was about to speak but Suga cut him off.

"Not now. He's not here," Suga said but quickly changed the subject. "You can go now, Jimin. I'll text you when Youngsik's plane leaves," Suga stated and left with no further words. Jimin gave a slight bow and went through the door he came from. And with that, Taehyung left.


Haru managed to leave work early so she went home and changed into something more comfortable yet presentable to the outside world and went on a walk. She walked around her neighborhood until she saw the sun beginning to set. On her way back she heard two people arguing.

"Are you sure this is safe? What if someone sees?" One voice spoke. It was a man.

"Yes, I'm positive. As soon as the sun sets we'll do it," the second voice said. That was a man too. The second voice sounded more stern. Haru didn't know anything about crime, criminals, and suspicious people but the second voice sounded like the one taking initiative in whatever they were planning.

Maybe I should turn around. It's dangerous, especilaly two men against one woman, Haru thought. Before anything else could happen, Haru turned around and walked around a corner. Then she called 119.


Taehyung was working a late shift at the convinience store when his phone buzzed.

Do Youngsik's plane leaves Friday. Make sure to start following him from his house tomorrow at six am which means you have to be there at five am. Try to take photos too. I'll call you tomorrow and ask for updates. -Unknown Number

Taehyung questioned how Suga got his number but shrugged it off and saved his contact as SUGA. He typed a quick reply and then put his phone away. Two men came in wearing masks and Taehyung slightly panicked before deciding he would fight them if they tried anything. The two men approached the counter. "Give us the money," the taller one said.

"I can't do that," Taehyung responded.

"Do it. I have a gun on me so if you-" he was cut off by sirens. Two police men came in and grabbed the two men. Who called the cops?

The men had their masks removed and Taehyung's eyes widened. The tall one who had talked to him was none other than Do Daemyun. Do Youngsik's son.

After the police talked to Taehyung briefly and left, Taehyung called Suga. "I have something important to tell you!" Taehyung exclaimed. Suga groaned and some shuffling was heard on the other side of the line.

"I said five a.m. not midnight, idiot," Suga said.

"I'm not. I'm at work but Do Daemyun has just been taken by the police!" Taehyung said.

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