Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Suspicious


"Alright, we'll discuss more tomorrow. Go home," Yoongi tossed his notebook down on the table.

They had talked about which plan seemed better and it had taken longer than they had wanted it to. Taehyung suggested the one where Jungkook turns on them but Jimin liked the idea of busting in a shooting them. To Taehyung that one seemed too much like a real life video game or movie, which is why Jimin liked it, but it was also too risky.

Taehyung took the last bus to his neighborhood. He had to work at the convienence store until four so he went straight there.

"I can't stand you!" Taehyung looked in the direction of the voice. A woman pushed open the doors and went straight to the soju. She went to the counter with five bottles.

"Isn't this a little too much?" Taehyung asked her as he rung them up.

"No. It's probably not enough actually," the woman ran a hand through her hair.

"Can you hold it? The alcohol, I mean. You seem upset so you probably are being rash," said Taehyung. He told her the price afterwords.

"I am more than upset. I'm beyond upset! That stupid...Nevermind," she dug out a few dollars and set them on the counter. She grabbed the bag and then look at Taehyung. She stared at him for a minute. "Um...Would you mind drinking with me?" She asked.

"I have to work so I can't, even if I wanted to," Taehyung replied. She pulled something from her purse and set it down.

"Call me when you want to drink." The woman winked and exited the store with her bag of soju.

The rest of Taehyung's night was uneventful up until his walk home.

"So this is how it's gonna be?" Hoseok was crying. Taehyung couldn't see who he was talking to. "Is it Jisoo? I've been trying! Please...Haru," Hoseok cried. Taehyung figured he was talking to Haru.

"Hoseok...I'm sorry. It's not Jisoo...I-It's...Well, you know but-"

"That's why!? Haru, please! He doesn't even like you!" Hoseok cut her off. It seemed like it was one of those days where everyone breaks up.

"I already told you everything...So please...Just stop." Haru walked into Taehyung's sight. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed and was crying.

"Min Haru, don't you dare!" Hoseok shouted. Haru kept walking. He grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "Don't even leave when I'm not finished! Just because you said everything you had to doesn't mean I did!" Hoseok spat.

"Hoseok, please. It's late and I want to go home." Taehyung ran up to them and took Hoseok's hand off Haru's wrist. Hoseok glared at him.

"Let's go in. You two can finish up when you're reasonable," Taehyung said. Haru looked at Taehyung and walked in the direction of her house. Hoseok glared at Taehyung and walked inside their apartment building after mumbling a few cuss words.


The next morning Haru felt sick. She wanted to throw up. Haru forced herself to shower and get dressed. Hoseok had texted and called a million times already.

Haru. Talk to me. ~Hoseokie

Haru Im serious ~Hoseokie

Please...Tell me why...Why Taehyung? ~Hoseokie

Can't we try again? ~Hoseokie

Haru answer me ~Hoseokie

29 missed calls

Call me ~Hoseokie

Haru was conflicted. She knew she had to end it with Hoseok but she felt bad for him. She broke his heart and she couldn't stand it. Haru called Hoseok. He was angry and hurt at first but they talked for an hour or so until he accepted defeat.

Haru wondered. Would she ever be able to talk to any of them? Would Taehyung and Namjoon be upset at her for hurting Hoseok? Would they hate her? She sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. Haru wished she liked Hoseok or that she at least never did like him in the first place.

Shaking the thoughts, Haru flopped onto her bed and sighed. "Yah~ Haru~ what are you doing?" Hana opened Haru's door and grinned at her.

"Why?" Haru asked flatly.

"Let's go to the club. To lighten your mood," Hana leaned on the doorframe and smirked. "I mean, you don't have to pick any guys up or drink or anything but you can just go to loosen up a bit," Hana suggested. Haru waved her hand.

"Come on, Haru! Let's go! Please~ I want you to quit being so meh," Hana rolled her eyes.

Haru contemplated her sister's offer. Hana whined and whined until Haru sighed and mumbled a quick agreement. "Yes! Now get ready! Quick!"


Taehyung admitted that he was a bit angry and frustrated. He didn't know what happened with Hoseok and Haru or why but he knew that either way, Haru would be hurt and Hoseok was mad at Taehyung for some reason. "Ah, do you guys want to go out tonight?" Namjoon suggested excitedly as the three sat at the table finishing dinner.

"I'll pass," Hoseok spat and stood up.

"Tae?" Namjoon raised his eyebrows at him. Taehyung shrugged. "Cool. So you wanna hit the clubs near Hongdae? The girls there are the best!" Namjoon smacked the table.

"They're only pretty from the plastic that coveres them inside and the cosmetics that cake their faces," Taehyung scoffed. "Let's go somewhere local."

"Fake, plastic or cosmetics. I'm still a man, Taehyung and so are you. We like it all!" Namjoon began cleaning the table. Taehyung sighed and nodded. "Cool so Hongdae it is!"


Hongdae always had such crowded clubs. Taehyung didn't need lights to see the plastic surgery on the faces of almost every woman there. Namjoon was scanning the room and smirking. He was always one to party. Taehyung wasn't really up for it but he needed something to distract him, which was perfect when Namjoon passed him a drink.

"I'll be back later," Namjoon left his empty glass behind and left Taehyung's sight through the crowd.

An hour and a half later, Taehyung was ready to leave. He pushed through the crowd until he got to the entrance of the club.


"Let me make a quick call, okay?" Haru stood outside with the stranger's jacket on her shoulders as he called someone. "Hey, Suga," the stranger held up a finger and walked out of ear-shot from Haru. Haru lightly kicked the ground with her feet and bit her lip as she waited. She wasn't intoxicated or being dumb but she had a feeling that she knee this man somehow. Maybe she didn't but she had a gut feeling that told her otherwise and Haru's curiousity was putting her in a possibly dangerous spot.

"Sorry about that. Shall we go?" The man smiled at Haru. Haru contimplated on going or not. She wanted to know this guy but she knew it wasn't safe. Haru closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let's go." The man began walking. "Ah, I never got your name," Haru said.

"My name? What's yours?" The man replied, smirking.


"Haru," he repeated, "I'm Jungkook."


Finally!!!!!! Im so sorry this took so long! My writer's block is crazy! Anyways, I'll try to work on this more~ keep reading and comment! ~J

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