Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Final Chapter


"I'm sorry."

Taehyung looked Namjoon in the eyes before lunging at him. He straddled his hyung, wrapping his hands around his neck. Namjoon fought back, kicking and struggling to get Taehyung off of him. A pounding sensation hit Taehyung in the head, making him dizzier. Namjoon used that as an advantage and shoved Taehyung away. Taehyung hit the wall, cracking the old wood.

"I thought we could fix this," Namjoon said breathlessly. He felt sorry for his friend and he really felt bad but if Taehyung was going to act that way, what could he do?

Taehyung brought himself to his feet and Namjoon reached for a gun. "No guns," Taehyung demanded. Namjoon shrugged and tossed the gun to the other side of the room so it fell under a chair. Taehyung darted to Namjoon, grabbing his body and running them both into a metal support beam. Namjoon grunted and kneed Taehyung in the chest.

As he fell to the floor, he grabbed Namjoon down with him. The fought and hit each other a few times before Namjoon was ontop of Taehyung. He was punching him and hitting him harshly. Taehyung reached his hands up to Namjoon's face, pushing him to look away and kicking so he fell. Taehyung stood up and began kicking Namjoon in the stomach and face.

Taehyung was bleeding and so was Namjoon. Taehyung pulled Namjoon by the collar and began punching him in the face so hard that his nose began to bleed. Flashes of memories had passed through Taehyung's mind. When he met Namjoon, when the met Hoseok, the talks they had when one was having a hard time. Every memory Taehyung had of Namjoon up until the moment that Taehyung was beating his fists into his hyung's face.

Taehyung blacked out when he climbed on Namjoon and started to beat him again. He only knew that he heard screaming coming from at least three different voices and he knew he was being jerked away. Then...It all went black.


The dim lights weren't much of a change compared to the blackness that he saw when his eyes were shut. He looked around the dim basement of the house that he'd met Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook in. When he noticed a muscular kid sleeping in one of the chairs, he tried to call out. His voice was hoarse and quiet. "Jimin," he tried. His throat hurt. "Jimin!" Just a little louder. He gave up on calling for Jimin and tried moving. He sat up and a sharp pain was sent through his arm and his abdomen. At least his shout was loud enough to wake Jimin up.

"Yah! Taehyung, stop moving!" Jimin rushed over and helped Taehyung situate so he was sitting up without too much pain. Jimin sighed and shook his head.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"You've been passed out for four days. Do you know what time it is?" Taehyung shook his head. "It's three in the morning. Yoongi's passed out by now and Jungkook's sleeping too. Now I've gotta explain all of this to you," Jimin sighed.

"Sorry, Jimin," Taehyung mumbled but it was barely audible since his voice was so rough. Jimin told Taehyung he'd be right back and went upstairs. He came back a few minutes later with some food and drink for Taehyung.

"Do you remember what you did to Namjoon?" Taehyung shook his head. Sure, he remembered some but not the overall conclusion. Jimin sighed. "Well, he's alive but he's hurt. We had him as a hostage. R.G. agreed to let us go if we gave him back and we did," Jimin began explaining. It hurt Taehyung to know that Namjoon went back to R.G. but he had to learn how to let it go. "Haru went home. She asked so many questions!" Jimin groaned. "What's going on? Why me? What happened? Tell me now! Why is Taehyung like that? What's Taehyung doing? Blah blah blah!" Jimin made a girly and annoying voice. "We lied, of course but in the end, I hate to tell you this, she wants nothing to do with you. We told Haru that you had gotten tangled into bad business but after this, you were done. We told her that you were paying off your father's debt and that you were bloody because you couldn't handle fighting well.

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