Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: The Start


"Namjoon?" Haru furrowed her eyebrows. She squinted at him and looked at him every which way. Haru couldn't believe it but she couldn't refuse to believe it either.

"You must be shocked," Namjoon smirked. "I would just pour my story out and all my plans but I know how that ends up. If I tell you, you'll escape and if I don't, then you'll be fine. With me."

Haru just stared. She wasn't as scared as she was confused. Namjoon. Is this what he has really been doing? Haru's mind took her back to every moment that made Namjoon suspicious and yet she never noticed. And then there was the time Hoseok's ex was looking for him...Was she in it too?

"Quiet, quiet, Min Haru. I told Taehyung I could get you for him," Namjoon sighed.

"Shut it, Namjoon. Where's my hyung?" Jungkook snapped in. Haru had almost forgotten that he was there.

"Ah, right. Jung Hyun. You'll have to come back for your hyung," Namjoon replied.

"That was not the deal we made," Jungkook began gritting his teeth. Namjoon shrugged. "Namjoon. You know what you need to do." Jungkook looked furious.

"Jung Hyun is okay. Calm down. Let me settle Haru in tonight and you can come tomorrow at midnight to get him," Namjoon shrugged again. Namjoon acted like it wad nothing.

"Namjoon. That-" before Jungkook could finish, two men grabbed him by his arms and began dragging him out. Jungkook yelled at Namjoon.

Namjoon stood up and opened the door to the balcony and Haru followed. "I know this sucks; for you at least but I have plans for you. Really. R.G and I have a spot and everything. My boss agreed to all this also," Namjoon spoke.

"Why me?" Haru asked. She was surprisingly calm for someone who had just been taken away with no explainations. Though, she was trying to keep as calm as she could in order to find out what was happening even if she had to do it peice by peice.

Namjoon chuckled lightly and turned to her. He rest one arm on the rail of the balcony and smirked. "I have orders. I don't know why my boss wants you. Maybe he liked your photo or maybe he just takes an intrest in you but my reason is because you're his." Haru furrowed her eyebrows. Was he talking about Hoseok? What did he have to do with this? Then again, Haru didn't know who could be involved anymore.

"Who's?" She pondered. Namjoon smiled but didn't reply. He walked back into the room. Haru followed. "Do you want the door shut?" Haru asked.

Namjoon smiled and said, "for someone who has been taken and kidnapped with a future that doesn't seem so bright, you are quite polite. Yes, shut the door and lock it." Haru did so. "Sit," he gestured to the chair. Haru sat facing Namjoon. "Why?" He leaned foward; his elbows on the desk and his hands laced together.

"Why what?" Haru knew well what he meant.

"Why are you so calm? You aren't pestering me with questions or crying or trying to kill me. Why?" Asked Namjoon.

"I've seen how not co-operating can go and I'd rather not take my chances." Haru knew that eventually she would be able to get farther into Namjoon's plans if she listened and did what he said.

"Smart." Namjoon leaned back in his chair. We'll get you started tomorrow." Namjoon shut his eyes. The men who dragged Jungkook out came in. The order Haru to come with them.


"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and gave the younger a confused but concerned look. Jungkook was sweaty from running to the house because it was faster than the bus. Jungkook shool his head. "What happened? Why are you all sweaty?" Yoongi questioned.

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