Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Suga


Haru had the day off and her original plans were to go out with Hoseok all day but he ended up working so she ended up sitting on her couch, flicking through TV channels. She would've asked Hana to hang out but Hana was spending the day with her boyfriend. Younghee entered the room as Haru decided to leave the channel on Gag Concert.

"Oh, this show is so funny!" Younghee commented as she sat by Haru on the couch with a bowl of friut.

"Yeah," was all Haru could think of to say.

"This woman!" Younghee shouted during the Bad Mothers skit. "She is my favorite, what's her name?" She was talking about the woman with the short hair who was supposed to be an actress in the skit.

"Kim Younghee, did you not read it?" Haru asked.

"I ignored it. Anyways, her name is Younghee?" Younghee questioned, eating some apple slices.

"Yeah. Hence why I refer to her whenever you want to be funny," Haru explained as she ate some strawberries.

"Oh! I thought it was some joke thing you children do! Okay. I get it now."

After that Haru spent time watching movies until ten at night. Younghee had gone off to bed at around eight so she was bored. Hana hadn't come home yet either so Haru lounged at home all day long. "Haru! Haru! Haru!" Hana ran in shouting.

"What?" Haru asked, sitting up.

"I was on my way home in a cab and there was that screen, on the side of the building not too far from the airport, and someone was murdered at the airport! It was so weird! You wouldn't believe where the body was found either! I was so grossed out when I saw it! I didn't see more than that but it was so weird! You have to see what happened!" Hana ranted.

"Why are you so excited?" Haru questioned.

"I'm not. I just got goosebumps. You don't hear about three murders happening so much and so close very often. Maybe there is a psychopath out there somewhere!" Hana exclaimed, plopping on the couch.

"Whatever. Watch this movie with me, it's scary."


Taehyung called out of work just before his shift began so he could meet with the man he met.  He looked at the address and it was fairly close to his apartment. So Taehyung grabbed a jacket, his black gloves, and a black face mask before leaving. Taehyung took a bus and then walked the rest of the way. The address took him to an abandoned house in an old, beat up neighborhood. It was white and the windows were broken with wood covering the downstairs windows, the doors had many locks, you could even tell from the outside, and had two stories. Taehyung slipped on his gloves and his face mask before approaching the house and knocking on the door.

Locks clicked and slid and turned until the door opened. The man was there again. He wore a black beanie, the same black facemask from the previous night, a black t-shirt with a design that Taehyung paid no attention to, a flannel over it, jeans, and red converse.

Behind the front door led to a very empty living room. It had dirty floors and white walls that were tainted yellow. There was a torn up brown leather couch, an old chair, a small coffee table, an old tv, and a floor lamp in the corner of the room.

"I'm relieved to see you've come but I already knew you would so it isn't a surprise," the man spoke, walking into the hallway that was straight ahead. Taehyung followed him into what was the kitchen. In the hallway he passed three closed doors. Two on the left, one on the right.

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