Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Get Used To It


A man in a suit, who held a drink in his hand, greeted them. "Namjoon! Welcome!" He smiled. Namjoon smiled back and they shook hands. The man at the door scanned Haru from head to toe. "And who is this?" The man asked while licking his lips and speaking very slowly.

"Aye!" Namjoon wrapped an arm around Haru's waist. "Get your eyes off her! She's mine," Namjoon said cheerfully. Haru tsked.

"She's a nice one," the man winked. "Come in, come in!" The man finally said. The mansion was packed with people. They were dressed fancy and all had drinks in their hands as they "chatted." Haru looked around as Namjoon and the man whispered to eachother for a moment. "Well, I hope you two have fun and I will get going! See you around," the man said. He made eye contact with Haru and smirked before turning and leaving.

"He's sleezy. Lots of these guys are and that's why they're here. Stay with me and nothing weird will happen, okay?" Namjoon said, placing his arm at her waist. As gross as it was, Haru knew that her chances were better with Namjoon.

"Where are we going?" Haru asked. Namjoon grabbed two glasses and handed her one. He told her to drink it, blend in and follow his lead. He ignored her question.

For a while, Namjoon walked around and talked to many people; most of which had eyed Haru up and down before leaning into Namjoon's ear. Haru couldn't care less what they had to say so she stood by Namjoon politely and pretended to be nice.

"I like you," one girl said, "it's a real shame you ended up with ol' Joon here."

"Ah," Haru said awkwardly, "um...Thank you."

"Anytime, dear."

After many conversations, whispers and 'advice' from Namjoon, he finally led Haru away from people. Haru wasn't sure if that was good or bad but she went. Namjoon kept her two steps in front of him with his hand on her lower back as he led her to a door in the back of the giant living room. The door opened into a somewhat long hallway that had red oak wood floors and smooth cement walls and multiple doors lined down the hallway. Namjoon grabbed Haru's hand and walked in front of her. He led her to the third door on the left. It was a cemented staircase. They went down a few floors and Namjoon turned through a door and to a room with red carpeting and burgandy dry wall. There was a beat up desk in the corner, a worn out couch at the end of a worn out bed and a round coffee table with in front of it. There was a small flat screen TV mounted on the wall and the chair to the desk was by the coffee table.

A man was sitting on the old couch with his head back and a girl next to him. There were bottles and substances of unknown kinds on the table and on the floor of the room. It smelled terrible. Another man was sitting on the bed with one girl passed out next to him and another girl who was digging through a drawer to find something.

"Where's she?" Namjoon asked the guy on the bed.

"Who?" He puckered his lips. Namjoon gave him a sarcastic look. "Ah. She's in her office," he said. Who were they talking about? What was this place? Haru wondered but didn't ask. Namjoon led Haru down the hallway and to the left before turning through a door on the right.

"Hey, Jisoo, look who I got," Namjoon said in a sing-song voice.

"Jisoo? Jisoo as in-" Haru was cut off by a small laugh.

"As in Hoseok's Jisoo?" She smirked. "Yes. It's good to see you, Haru."

"Uh huh. I really wish I saw this coming," Haru sighed.

"Haru, Jisoo works with me," Namjoon told her. "She's going to let you stay here two days? Less if you get the hang of it," Namjoon explained.

"Let me stay here? Why? For what? What are you planning, Namjoon?" Haru asked, getting defensive.

"It'll be fine, Haru. You're a special girl so you won't be taken care of in the manner of other girls," Jisoo said.

"Taken care of? What the heck?! I'm not a stray dog!" Haru raised her voice.

"Now with that attitude, you will be taken care of like a stray. Listen to me, get used to it and shut up because this is how you will live for a while. Not forever, just...a while," Jisoo said, trying to stay calm.

"Namjoon, I swear to God-"

"Thank you, Joon. I'll take care of her," Jisoo cut her off. Namjoon smiled and made eye contact with Haru before leaving.

"No! What the heck!? What is all this!?" Haru started to freak out. "I am not staying here!" Haru turned and opened the door. Jisoo grabbed Haru's wrist and Haru started to shout, "Namjoon! Namjoon, get back here!"

Haru didn't know why in the world she called for the man who had taken her. Maybe it was the fact that they had been friends once or maybe it was the terrible feeling that Haru got from being with Jisoo. When she was with Namjoon there was a nagging feeling of being uneasy but with Jisoo there was a feeling that something bad was about to happen and it was yelling from the back of her mind, loud and clear.

"Shut the heck up!" Jisoo yelled and pulled Haru inside the room again. Jisoo locked the door and slapped Haru. Haru was getting ready to yell again when Jisoo spoke. "Do you want to die?!" Jisoo whisper-yelled. "Namjoon is crazy! He'll kill you! You either stay with me for just two days and then listen to that freak or you go with him now and regret it all," she said.

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?" Haru asked defensivly.

"Look, Namjoon would make you something far worse than what I'm making you. Just listen and you'll be fine. I can't garentee what happens after the two days you'll be with me but I can tell you now that whatever happens with me is nothing compared to what will happen with Joon. Trust me and get used to it."



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