Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Crush

WARNING: Chapter involves murder


Taehyung called Suga the night before he flew back to Korea. Suga had called Maria and then called Taehyung with her word.

"Kill him. Maria was ticked off and she said kill him in some brutal way. It doesn't matter how. Just kill him at the airport tomorrow."

Taehyung thought about how to "take care" of Youngsik. He eventually fell asleep. When he woke up, he grabbed his bag and left. He saw Do Youngsik on his way out. So he followed him to the airport. How could he kill him in a strict and public place? Youngsik went into the restroom. Ah yes, that's it. Taehyung followed him. He had his gloves and his facemask on ever since he left. He locked the bathroom door behind him. There were no cameras. It was perfect. He pulled out his rope and stood in the corner. He waited for Youngsik to exit.

When he did, Taehyung wrapped the rope around his neck and choked him. "Wha- Who....Are....You?" Youngsik gagged as he tried fighting Taehyung but he was becoming weaker. Taehyung stayed silent, heavy breaths coming from him as he strangled the older man. Taehyung was strong but he expected more of a fight. Maybe it was because he cuaght him off guard or because he was an old, fat man.

Youngsik dropped to the floor, lifeless. Taehyung sighed and thought.

A brutal death...

Taehyung had a thought that strangling him was enough but maybe he'd lose pay. So Taehyung checked the man's dufflebag. A knife? He never wouldve made it though like that. Whatever, it didn't matter now. It only helped Taehyung. Taehyung dumped the dufflebag out and managed to find a way to fit Youngsik inside. He had to cut a few limbs off and work his way around but he did it. Though it took a long time. When Taehyung was done he took Do Youngsik's clothes, wiped the blood off everywhere and put them in the corner of one of the stalls and zipped up the dufflebag that held Do Youngsik's body. He made sure everything was clean and set to go and left, keeping the bathroom door locked on his way out.

"Aish, stupid, old, fat man," Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he carried the dufflebag to the luggage area, where the luggage goes through and gets put out on the other side. He dropped the dufflebag on the machine and made his way home.


Taehyung called Suga as soon as he landed. "They should find him soon," Taehyung said as he walked home.

"Good. I'll watch the news. I'll call you after I get paid. Then you can get paid. Good job," Suga hung up. Taehyung couldn't deny that he didn't feel cool getting away with an assassination. He was used to killing people by now so he doesn't need to hide his feelings from himself.

When he went home, he unpacked and sat on the couch. "I'm beat!" Namjoon groaned.

"What'd you do?" Taehyung questioned, excitedly.

"Work. Anyways, where'd you go? I was worried," Namjoon asked.

"Oh yeah, I was too!" Hoseok came into the living room, brushing his teeth.

"I just took a quick trip to Japan. Kind of like a vacation," Taehyung smiled. More like work, but yeah.

"Oh...You should've taken us!" Namjoon whined.

"I'll take you next time," Taehyung grinned. The two others nodded.


Haru stayed up late, watching TV. The news came on and she noticed the story that Hana told her about.

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