Chapter One

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Author's Note: This story is 100% my idea, I apologize if it is similuar to yours. I got the idea of this from my sister and BTS's I NEED U MV and also BTS's For You MV.

Chapter One: Kim Taehyung

WARNING: This chapter contains somewhat brutal death.

Min Haru was on her way back from a meeting at her work when she realized she hadn't eaten. Her meeting had started early, at seven in the morning, and she didn't eat anything but one half of a bagel and a small cup of coffee. She decided to stop at a nearby convinence store on her way home. She wanted to pick up something quick like a drink and maybe a triangle kimbap. So she did. As she was counting her money for the man at the register she heard the news on channel 6 come on.

"A dead body was discovered early this morning near ×× and ××. The body was found at five twenty a.m. by a young man in his twenties. We have him here for an interview-"

Haru handed the money to the man.

"I had went out, y'know, clubbing and I got a little drunk so as I was walking home I figured I would take a short cut and that's when I noticed it."

"It must've shocked you-"

"Change," the man at the counter handed it to her.

"Ah, yes. Thank you," Haru smiled politely and glanced at the new once more before accepting it along with the bag that held a small milk and a triangle kimbap. As Haru was about to walk out the man spoke.

"You can stay and watch," he said.

"Oh, no. I can go home and watch the replay of it later but thank you," she rejected in her most plolite way. The man shrugged and sat on a chair behind the desk, staring at the TV. She noticed as she passed the window that he was smiling. Maybe he had something on his mind but something about his smile said he was a little too happy watching the news.


Taehyung didn't like working at a convienence store. Who would? It doesn't even pay much. Though he enjoyed working when the news came on. Taehyung always watched the news. He listened to traffic reports, weather, and anything useful or useless to him. When he was working and a girl had come into the store to buy milk and triangle kimbap a very enjoyable story came on. It was a murder story. Maybe it was wrong of him but he sat in his chair after the girl left and watched, smiling to himself.

When Taehyung was a child and he heard about someone being murdered, he wasn't unaware of what had happened, he would only shrug his shoulders and say that it was just one less person on Earth and that it didn't have to do with him so why would he care? Acting like this didn't change. Why should he care about who gets killed? There were already over seven billion people on the planet, why add more?

You would think someone like this has never lost someone precious or lost someone due to murder but he has. His mother was murdered when he was seven so he knew how much it affected someone, and maybe that is part of what made him so cold and have such careless feelings for murder. Either way, it never bothered him. Not even a bit.


When the channel 6 news had finally played a rerun on earliers story, Min Haru took the time to watch the whole thing.

"The body that was found has just been identified as a woman in her mid-to-late twenties. Her name was Jung Minhee. Now, we will warn you about the graphic images we will display," the woman on the news announced. She waited as a few images of the woman's body flashed by the screen. When the camera was on her again she spoke. "Jung Minhee was found like this. Her left leg was bruised and cut many times, her right leg had been broken and stabbed while her left arm was also broken. Her right arm was bruised with what seemed to be from someone stepping on her arm as they hit her head in with a blunt forced object. We will update you once there is more on the story. This has been Song Subin on Channel 6 news."

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