Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty: Mansion


"Aish, why hasn't he called yet?" Yoongi put his phone down on the table. Jungkook sat on the couch next to Jimin.

After Jungkook told Yoongi what happened he got beaten some and yelled at a lot but Yoongi calmed down and told Jimin. They started advising a plan to save both Haru and Jungkook's hyung. They left Taehyung out of it for the better but it was time they brought him in. The only thing was that Taehyung wasn't answering or contacting them.

Yoongi cursed multiple times before Jimin's phone rang. "Why haven't you called us!?" Jimin answered. Yoongi became filled with anger, frustration, many curse words, and a little bit of relief. "Yes! Are you stupid? Nevermind, just come to the house." Jimin hung up. Jungkook and Yoongi stared at him expectantly. "What? He's on his way."

"I don't know if I should cradle him so he'll feel loved before we drop the news or beat him for not answering us," Yoongi muttered.

"I think we should try a method other than ripping the band-aid off," Jungkook stepped in. "One that doesn't get me killed," he added.

"I'll protect you, Kookie!" Jimin smiled.

"Thanks," Jungkook replied sarcastically.

The three waited thirty minutes before Taehyung arrived. They met up in the basement to talk. Jungkook stood close to Yoongi for "precaution" and Jimin sat near Taehyung to calm him down if he gets mad.

"What's wrong? I saw your texts and stuff," Taehyung said, worried.

"Jungkook's hyung was taken by R.G. a few weeks ago. Jungkook never told us and R.G. decided to play a game and make a deal with him," Yoongi started. There was a long pause. Yoongi wanted him to take it all in very slowly. "They agreed to let Jungkook's hyung go free if got someone for them in return. That someone just so happened to be Haru." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "Jungkook did it. He took Haru to them and gave her up. He had a plan that once his hyung was handed over, he would get Haru. It was well done but R.G. had flaked out and took Haru without giving his hyung back," Yoongi finished. There was a slight nervousness in the air as everyone waited for Taehyung's reaction. They didn't know if he would be angry and try to beat Jungkook or if he would freeze up and not know what to do.

Taehyung took a deep breath and said, "how do we get her back?" Yoongi raised his eyes and let a smirk form on his face.

"R.G. says they'll give Jungkook's hyung back tonight at midnight. We can push back the date to next month and give us time to save Haru and Jungkook's hyung but also take out R.G. as well. I know you hate the idea of Haru being kept in there but if we have time we can make sure this works," Yoongi explained. Taehyung licked his lips and nodded.

"Y-You're not mad?" Jungkook asked in a quiet voice.

"I am. I'm mad but this is not the time to beat you," Taehyung said. Taehyung started directing everyone to do things. "Jungkook, call whoever your connection to R.G. is and set a meeting place for BricX in Itaewon. Yoongi, get me a layout of the place from the inside-out. Jimin, talk to Jungkook about the details of R.G's members and who will be there. Call me when you're done. I'm getting breakfast."


"Wakey, wakey~," Namjoon's voice was what woke Haru up in the late afternoon. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Oh," he frowned and tsked at her visuals, "you do not look so good in the morning, darling," Namjoon stated.

"Thanks," Haru spat sarcastically. Namjoon leaned against the wall as Haru got herself out of bed.

"We have a lot to do today," Namjoon stated. Haru looked at the clock on the wall. It was three in the afternoon. "I know, I know. It's late. You must've been tired. Come with me," Namjoon said. Haru followed him into the hallway, down a flight of stairs, through another hallway and through a door.

The room was normal but it made a huge closet. There were hangers and dressers and shoe racks everywhere. They were all female clothes. Haru looked at Namjoon in confusion. "What's this?" She asked.

"It's a closet," Namjoon chuckled. "It's where we put our female clothes. These are for the exclusive women. Um...You're not going to need anything fancy so just this, this, this, these and these and this!" Namjoon pulled things out and handed them to Haru. "Put them on and come.out when you're done." Namjoon left and shut the door behind him.

Haru laid the clothes out to look at them. A red dress that was mid-thigh length with a criss-cross open back and an open line cut across the front for cleavage, red heels that looked far too hard to walk in, a gold necklace, bracelt and rings, and see through tights. Haru sighed and opened the closet door. Namjoon raised his eyebrows at Haru.

"Um...Shouldn't I shower first?" Haru suggested. Namjoon smiled and nodded. He led her to a bathroom and told her he would be waiting by the door.

Haru showered and changed into everything as she was told. She didn't put the shoes on though because she was still inside. She had cleaned up and exited. Namjoon was on the floor waiting for her. "Why aren't your shoes on?" Namjoon frowned.

"We're inside," Haru stated.

"We're leaving. Put them on. Let me get you a coat," Namjoon left for a minute while Haru put her shoes on. She was just around his height with them on. Namjoon handed Haru a coat for her to wear. "Take the coat off before we go inside," Namjoon said as Haru followed him to and out the front door.

They got in a sleek black car and drove for near an hour. When the car stopped, it was in front of a short, grey building. It looked scetchy. Namjoon ordered Haru to follow him inside and she did so. Inside was a room with three doors on one wall and one on the other.

"This is where we get our hair, make-up and tattoos done. See? Each door says it," Namjoon said. "That door is the bathroom," he added, talking about the door that was by itself. "Today you will get your hair and make up done. If you want a tattoo-" Namjoon started up but Haru cut him off.

"I'm good," Haru said. "Hair first."


After Haru's hair and make-up was finished, they had gone back to the car and headed somewhere else. The sun had just started to set when they left. It took a little over half an hour to get there so the sky had turned a dark pink when they pulled up to a huge black gate.

A camera was outside the gate and blinked before a buzz noise was made and the gates opened. The car drove up a sleek black driveway and approached a huge mansion. Haru's jaw nearky dropped at the sight.

It was a cream color with an oversized front door. It was modern and had the western influence of a victorian look as well. Namjoon and Haru got out the car and went to the door. Namjoon had made Haru leave her coat in the car so it was quite cold, and getting colder since the sun was setting quickly.

"Who's house is this?" Haru asked in astonishment. Namjoon smirked without looking at her, ringing the door bell.

"You'll see."


Oh~ I hope it's getting good guys! I mean, I hope it's been good but I hope you're getting more excited too. UGH BTS AND THEIR COMEBACK IS AMAZING!

Let's not die right now haha~! Anyways, I am super glad to be on chapter twenty! It seems like it wasn't long ago that I got the idea but it's already chapter twenty! Hopefully there will be many, many more~!

I would also like to say THANK YOU to everyone reading this story and voting and commenting! Please keep it up! ~J

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