Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: That Man


"Min. Ha. Ru." Namjoon broke her name into syllables. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side. Namjoon let out a laugh only to confuse Taehyung more. "You like her, don't you?" Namjoon teased. An imaginary weight was removed from Taehyung's shoulders.

"Haru's a friend, Namjoon," Taehyung shook his head at him.

"Sure, whatever you say but I see how you look at her and you care so much for her," Namjoon patted Taehyung's back and sat down.

"No. Namjoon, I'm serious," Taehyung remarked.

"Serious about what?" Hoseok sat next to Namjoon. There was a tense feeling that followed into the room when Hoseok had entered.

"Nothing," Namjoon waved his friend off. "Don't you work?" Namjoon asked. Hoseok shook his head. "What about you, Tae?"

"Not until midnight," Taehyung informed.

"Well, I have places to be and people to see," Namjoon stood up, hinting something to Taehyung. "I'll see you guys later."


"How long do I have to go on with this?" Haru sighed. "What are you gonna do if I don't?"

"You aren't going to back out," Jungkook replied flatly.

"How do you know?" Haru cocked an eyebrow. They were in a big apartment with cement floors and white walls. The livingroom had a black and white rug, a flat screen TV, a glass table and two leather couches. The kicthen was a dark blue color with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. There were three doors along one wall; the first door led to a bedroom, the second led to a bathroom and the third led to a bedroom as well. On another side of the apartment there were sliding glass doors that opened to a balcony with a view that was twenty-two stories high. It was all quite expensive and fancy looking.

Haru laid with her legs on the top of the couch and her head hanging off and Jungkook was sitting on the opposite couch, occupying himself with his tablet. "Because...I told you what was at stake," Jungkook answered.

"Why would I care about your hyung?" Haru retorted.

"You are someone who will let guilt eat you alive. You know that if you leave to be safe and leave my hyung and I to die, then you would feel terrible. You are going to help me even though there is a risk of your death," Jungkook responded, standing up and going to the fridge. He pulled out a drink and sat with Haru; who sat herself upright. Haru didn't say anything. She knew he was right. "That's what I thought."

"Well...What's going on? Like...How do we, or you or I, do this?" Haru pondered.

"Tomorrow night I am trading you over for my hyung. I made the arrangements to make sure it is only me and that he has two guys. I'll just shoot them," Jungkook shrugged. "We'll be trading you guys in a car park at midnight." Haru nodded.

What did I get myself into? Haru wondered.

There were more questions than just that though. Who was the man Jungkook was meeting with? Why? What did Jungkook do for a living at such a young age? Why would Haru recognize that man's voice? How did Jungkook know Taehyung? Haru wanted answers but she wasn't about to ask Jungkook for them.

"Can I call someone?" Haru asked. Jungkook thought about it. He handed her his phone.

"Call your sister and tell her a lie. Say you'll be back soon," Jungkook instructed. Haru nodded and stood up. She went to the room she was staying in and locked the door. Sitting on the queen bed, Haru called Taehyung.

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