Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Why Do I Feel This Way?


Haru ran her hand through her hair and sighed. It had been a week since she saw that girl with Hoseok. It was bothering her. Actually, the girl wasn't bothering her and neither was Hoseok. What bothered her was how she hadn't jealous at all. Maybe it was because she trusted Hoseok but she also wasn't affected by his kisses anymore. She used to like it when he kissed her while sending her home or when they were cuddled on the couch and he was telling her how pretty she was but somewhere along the line, she stopped feeling a flutter in her stomach and her heart didn't beat as fast. Why? Haru liked Hoseok, she may not have been in love with him but she liked him and enjoyed his company. She hated not having feelings for him and she knew they wouldn't be able to be friends after having a relationship.

Haru was sitting, staring at the TV but not watching it. She contemplated on giving Hoseok another chance or breaking it off. Hana sat down with a bag of chips. "Hana, can I ask you something?" Haru turned to her sister.

"Sure, what?" Hana asked, munching on chips.

"Well...I'm dating Hoseok and I like him. But for around a week, I haven't been the same," Haru began. Hana nodded, listening. "I wasn't jealous when Hoseok ran into his ex on our date and she even insulted me," Haru said. Hana gasped.

"What? I would've punched her!" Hana exclaimed.

"I thought it was because I trust Hoseok but then we went on dates and now if he's sweet or hugs me or kisses me...I don't feel anything. I used to get all giggly and happy but not anymore," Haru explained and shook her head. Hana thought while eating her chips.

"Hmm...Maybe you don't like him," Hana shrugged. "I mean, I'll take him."

"Yah! You have a boyfriend and besides, I'm being serious! I like Hoseok but if we break up we can't be friends!" Haru whined. She was worried about her relationship with Hoseok. "Aish, I'll find someone else to talk to," Haru slouched down.

"Why? I'm helpfull! Listen, seriously, try to talk to him," Hana told her. Haru sighed. She was thinking of people she could talk to but she didn't have many friends. Hoseok, Hana, her mom, and...That was it! Taehyung! She could talk to Taehyung! But when? Maybe she could text him or call him or meet up with him.


Taehyung's phone went off and he looked around. Nobody was in the store so he checked it.

Hey, Taehyung if you aren't busy can you call or can we meet? -Haru

Taehyung smiled. Why did Haru want to meet? Someone entered the store and Taehyung put his phone away. "Hello," Taehyung bowed slightly to greet the customer. The customer tipped his hat. Was he American? Or American style? The man went to the counter and bought two packs of cigerettes. "Have a nice day," Taehyung said when the man was done paying.

"You too...Kim Taehyung," the man smirked and left. Taehyung stood, confused but then he assumed it was his nametag. Taehyung checked his phone again and replied.

I'm working now but we can meet later, I get off at seven thirty

Haru took a while to reply.

Okay, how about I come to the store when you get off? -Haru

Taehyung smiled again. He liked Haru and had come to admit that.

Yeah sure

Taehyung was happy now. He finally had a reason to get excited to get off work.


Haru pulled on a hoodie over her pink shirt. She walked to the convinence store. When she realized she got there she saw Taehyung behind the counter. He was helping a woman and her child. Taehyung was smiling and laughing. Haru found herself smiling at the picture. The woman and child left and Taehyung was still smiling to himself. "Do you like children?" Haru asked as she entered the store. Taehyung grinned at her. She admired his rectangular smile that looked awkward on most people but cute on Taehyung.

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