Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Five Months Later


Five months ago Kim Taehyung assassinated Do Youngsik for twelve thousand dollars. Taehyung worked for Suga as an assassin or hitamn and got paid. The most he was paid was thirty five thousand dollars. Suga had mentioned another hitman/assassin that worked for him but Taehyung never properly met him. Taehyung had killed six people total, including Do Youngsik. When police were sparked, Suga told him to lay low so now, he was and has been for a month.

In his time "laying low", Taehyung had managed to become close with Haru. She was still dating Hoseok and they seemed like they were in love so of course, Taehyung kept his feelings for Haru a secret. They hung out whenever she worked overtime though since he was almost always working at late night. And she visited Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung often too. Taehyung didn't mind. They were friends and he knew that was where his boundry ended.

It was late, probably one in the morning when Suga called. "What?" Taehyung mumbled, sleepily.

"I need to talk to you," Suga said. He sounded urgent.

"About?" Taehyung sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes, holding his phone between his shoulder and cheek.

"I can't say over the phone but I need you to meet you. Now," Suga replied.

"Where?" Taehyung didn't really get late calls or urgent calls to meet Suga but he knew it must've been important if he did get one.

"Um...It's a few blocks from my house, I'll text you. Just come," Suga hung up. Taehyung went as fast as he could and made it in about thirty minutes. "God you took forever!" Suga exclaimed when Taehyung showed up.

"I had to walk and I live kinda far," Taehyung defended.

"Whatever anyways, I called you because I told you about Jungkook, right?" Suga asked. Jungkook. Taehyung tried to recall the name.


"The other killer I have. Jimin's friend," Suga rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah. What about him?" Taehyung questioned.

"Well...Since you're laying low, I asked him to get this girl. Her kill was worth about twenty thousand and I needed her dead by yesterday. Jungkook did his job but some gangsters found out about the girl's death and is hunting Jungkook down now. I don't feel like explaining their reason so I'll just cut to it. I need you to get them off his back so we can get paid. I'll give you a small cut but I really need them gone," Suga explained.

"But why are you here?" Taehyung asked.

"Because I don't have time to be followed. They're keeping an eye on me since Jungkook met with me. I just need you to get rid of them but don't kill them! They're dangerous. Just...Distract them, I guess."

"How? Kill another woman of theirs? I don't know how to distract them!" Taehyung exclaimed. He really didn't. How was he going to?

"Meet with them? Say you're just an informant. But if you say the wrong thing, they will kill you so be careful," Suga said, giving him a sarcastic smile. "I gotta go. Good luck! Oh and the man hunting us down, his name is Kim Yangsun," Suga walked away and Taehyung could chase him but he decided not to.

"Sometimes I hate this," Taehyung mumbled as he left.


Haru had the day off since it was Saturday and everyone was working except Taehyung so she decided to hang out with him all day. She said that they should go to an amusement park and then go have late lunch and then play video games. It sounds like a date but she had no thoughts even close to that. She just wanted to have fun with her very childish friend. That's all. So at ten she went out and met Taehyung by the convinence store. "Hi!" Taehyung chirped when he saw Haru.

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