Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: The Nightmares Are Back


"Taehyung, you love me right?"

"Oppa...I miss you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I shouldn't have hurt you."


"Wh...why? it?"


Taehyung shot up in bed. He was sweating. Namjoon opened his bedroom door and flicked on the light. "Are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Huh? Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Just had a bad dream is all," Taehyung replied. "Go back to bed. I'll be okay." Namjoon nodded and left the room, turning the light off. Taehyung laid back down in bed. "Why am I dreaming of that again?" He asked himself as he laid on his bed in the dark. He checked his phone. It was four twenty-one. Taehyung sighed and decided to try to sleep again.


"Tae, someone's here for you. He says his name is Jimin," Hoseok said to Taehyung. Taehyung got out of bed. What was Jimin doing at his apartment? Jimin was standing in the livingroom, looking around.

"Not too bad. I'd say my place is better though," Jimin said once Taehyung was in the room.

"You're in the basement of that ratty old house. I think my apartment is better. Anyways, what do want? It's dangerous for you to be here," Taehyung plopped onto the couch, so did Jimin.

"Suga told me you were supposed to take care of," Jimin looked around, "you know who. I was curious and figured you're too much of a baby to do it alone or figure out how to, at least," Jimin leaned back and smirked at Taehyung. "You need muscle too right? I've seen what's under your shirt, man."

"Can it, chubby cheeks."


"I was trying to figure out how to distract them though," Taehyung replied.

"Well, I know how!" Jimin grinned. He looked like a child.

"How?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes at him.

"We just have to go to the club district, pick up two of their girls and not pay for the service," Jimin explained. Taehyung thought about it.

"I don't know...Wouldn't they come after us then?"

"Not nessessarily," Jimin smirked. "Come with me," Jimin stood up and began going to the front door.

"Let me change," Taehyung went to his room.

"Hurry it up, princess!" Jimin shouted from the livingroom. A minute later Taehyung joined Jimin, leaving his apartment. "I got two guys. One is a complete trouble maker. He's in a mob so he'll just fight back and bam! That's off us! The second guy is an office worker. He's not bad but he loves money and I said I'd pay him but he'll probably die before I can pay him so it's whatever," Jimin shrugged.

"You're just gonna let him die? Why not get two guys from the same mob?" Taehyung asked.

"Look, one was risky enough. I don't wanna die," Jimin stated. Taehyung stayed silent.

They pulled into the driveway of the old house Suga was always at, and quite possibly lived in. They went inside and Jimin went to the basement door. They went downstairs. It was a large square room with a torture area on one side? What?

Ah, so that's what Jimin does, Taehyung thought. On the other side of the room was kind of like an office. There was a desk, two chairs on one side and one on the other. In the back of the room was an old stained couch and a small TV. There were bloodstains on the concrete floors and some on the walls. There was a leak above the torture side of the room too so water kept dripping. "It's your first time here, right?" Jimin asked Taehyung. Taehyung nodded. "Well then. If you can't tell, I interrogate people to get the information we need," Jimin stated. He went over to the office area. Taehyung hadn't even noticed the two men sitting in the chairs.

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