Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Panic Attacks and Nightmares


Client: Suga

Target: R.G

Target information:
Members: Kang Junho, Min Wonju, Lee Hongmin, Park Jisun, Kim Jinju, Kim Yonggyu, Jung Songji, Ok Hwansik, Moon Wonjin, Bang Sangjin, Oh Gun
Leader: Mr. Nam (Name Unknown)
Address: ×× ××× ××××
R.G is one of South Korea's underground gangs. They are on the list of top 20 most dangerous gangs as number fourteen. R.G stands for Raven Gang. The name is supposedly symbolic since ravens are a sign of death.
Mr. Nam is the leader and the members listed above are only a portion of who work for R.G.
R.G specializes in trafficking women, weapons, and drugs.
Their HQ is known by few - including Suga - and is highly gaurded.
There are at least two hundred men gaurding around the clock. Fifty outside, one hundred-fifty on the inside.

Taehyung sighed. Yoongi really wanted him to go against this? They didn't have nearly as many people as R.G did and not nearly enough supplies. Sure, Yoongi says he has a plan but still. Something about the whole thing was risky. Did Yoongi want to invade their HQ and attack like they did last time? There was no way! It had to be impossible...Unless Yoongi really did have a plan. A plan that would work and make sure everyone - or almost everyone - got out alive.

Taehyung put the file back together and put it in his bag. He went to Yoongi's place to return the file. "Taehyung! Quick!" Jimin rushed Taehyung to Yoongi's room. He was panicking. Yoongi was sitting on the mattress with his knees pulled into his chest, rocking himself and mumbling. Taehyung wondered if it was a joke or if Yoongi had really gone crazy.

"Yoongi," Taehyung sat on his knees in front of him. Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes. He kept mumbling. "Yoongi, are you okay?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi let out a shaky breath and mumbled something. "What?"

"I...I want to die," Yoongi mumbled. Taehyung was confused and Yoongi needed help.

"Jimin, what happened to him?" Taehyung looked at the boy who was biting his thumbnail nervously.

"W-Well...Jungkook and I are the only one who knows this but Yoongi hyung sometimes," Jimin paused, "he has panic attacks. They're quite severe and he gets like this sometimes. He isn't crazy, it's from PTSD," Jimin replied. Taehyung was shocked but knew he had to help calm Yoongi down.

"What made him like this?"

"His father. He abused him severly and killed his mother right in front of him when he was thirteen. This happens every once in a while. I'm supposed to get Jungkook for help but he's in Busan," Jimin responded. Taehyung began thinking. Panic attacks have symptoms of diffculty breathing, pounding heart, chest pain, feeling of dead, sensations of choking or smothering, dizziness, feeling faint, trembling or shaking, sweating, nausea, stomachache, tingling, numbness in fingers or toes, chills, hot flashes, and a fear that you are losing control or about to die.

"Get some water, and a warm rag. There isn't much we can do. If you have antidepressants that would help some but if they aren't in his system they might not," Taehyung told Jimin. Jimin rushed out of the room. "Okay, Yoongi, listen. Relax your shoulders and take deep breaths," Taehyung placed his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi took a shaky, but deep, breath and tried to relax somewhat. Jimin returned and handed Taehyung the water, rag, and antidepressants. "Drink some water," Taehyung handed the water to Yoongi after opening it. He placed the warm rag on his head and his shoulders. Yoongi relaxed some more. "Take these," Taehyung handed Yoongi two antidepressants as said on the bottle. Taehyung was relieved to see that they were perscribed to Yoongi. He also noticed Yoongi's last name was Min.

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