Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three: It Gets Worse


Haru had fallen asleep after crying so much. She had a small room beside Jisoo's office. It had stained wood floors and burgandy walls. The used-to-be off-white roof was yellow now and there was a big bed that had a few pillows and two blankets. A TV was on a small desk in tbe corner and there was a small loveseat with a coffee table.

When it was morning, Jisoo woke Haru up. She took Haru into a room with lots and lots of clothes. "These are yours," Jisoo said while gesturing to the clothes. "Pajamas, shoes, t-shirts, jeans, and your," she paused, "stage clothes."

"Stage clothes? Am...I a stripper!?" Haru raised her voice.

"N-No...I mean, kind of. We like to dial it down and say showgirl but if you want to put it that way," Jisoo shrugged.

"What!? No! No! Definately not!" Haru shouted.

"Look, I'm being nice to you. Do you want to see the other girls?" Jisoo asked.

"Sure. Show me them! What? Do you keep them in cages?" Haru spat. Jisoo just walked ahead, letting Haru follow her down the hall, through the door and down the stairs all the way to the base level.

"Here. In this cramped hallway. In every room, there is a kitchen and a bathroom and two bedrooms. Four girls are housed and they can not leave unless accompanied by a body gaurd. Do you want to be treated this way? I bet you don't even know what these girls do! These girls," Jisoo paused, "these girls are strippers and hookers. You are just display. A showgirl."

Haru felt sick. She wanted to throw up. "This is...This is sick."

"I told you to get used to it. Now, come and get ready for the first show." Jisoo walked away. Haru glanced and noticed one girl leaving her room with a body gaurd. The body gaurd handed her money. Haru followed Jisoo before she could see the man walk away.


Jisoo told her to dress in any of the stage clothes. Haru picked the least revealing ones with were extremely short shorts, a corset kind of top, thigh highs and black heels. Jisoo had gone back in and did Haru's hair and make-up to the point that she looked completely different. Jisoo sighed.

"It's a shame for me and the business that you are so valuable," Jisoo said. "You're so beautiful and your body isn't bad. You would make us a lot of money. Even being display, you will," Jisoo told Haru.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Haru asked.

"No. Not at all. Just go out there and follow the other girls. They'll show you how to dance," Jisoo said. An alarm sounded which, as Jisoo said, meant it was time for show. Haru followed the girls going up the stairs. One girl talked to her when they were getting in their "places."

"You're the special one, huh?" She said.

"Uh...Yeah," Haru mumbled.

"You're lucky. You won't be touched, trust me. You just dance here with us until you're the last one," she said.

"Why am I going to be the last one?" Haru frowned at the statement.

"We get picked at by the men. Anyways, when you're alone, you just get down and go to the bar. Everyone knows you so you won't have any guys near you," she told Haru.

"Everyone knows me?" Haru asked. Another alarm cued and the girl said she couldn't talk, the alarm meant showtime.


Haru flopped onto the bed of the room she was staying in. The girl she talked to hadn't mentioned the money that would be thrown into her face, literally. When she was dancing, they left bundles of money by the foot of whatever dancer they liked. By the time Haru was alone, she couldn't even pick all of it up. When she was sitting at the bar - not drinking anything at all - she was given money. Men just walked up to her and set it by her or in her lap or in her shirt even. Haru didn't count it. She didn't want it.

Jisoo entered. "I'm collecting my share. What did you make?" Jisoo asked. The money Haru had gotten was left on the coffee table and the floor. "Oh my God! Haru! This is more than what most girls make in two months! This is," Jisoo said in astonishment. Jisoo called a man with a bag in to pick most of it up and leave Haru some. "I've left you with about two thousand. Make sure you work hard tomorrow and you'll go back with Joon just fine! We'll change it up some though, so be ready!" Jisoo smiled and left. Haru scoffed. Jisoo was in it for the money.


The next day, Haru was woken up. Jisoo handed her clothes and sent her out. She ordered Haru to dance with people instead of on the stage. Haru wanted to run away. She was in a black leather one peice of shorts and black heels.

Haru spent her night by getting money shoved in her shirt and men dancing with her far too intimately. Her "personal bodygaurd" had been collecting her money as the night carried on. Haru thought she was going to die.

After hours of dancing with strangers, Haru sat at the bar. She was thirsty but didn't ask for anything. She didn't trust it, even if it was water.

A tall man with brown hair approached her. "You're the two night special," he smirked. Haru nodded somewhat. "I hear you're real special," he smiled, scanning her body.

"I'm not for sale or whatever you guys say," Haru said.

"Not even for four thousand alone?" He sat by her.

"No. Not even if I wanted to, which I don't," she scoffed. Haru's bodygaurd approached her and whispered in her ear.

"Let him buy you a drink for three hundred."

"You can buy me a drink. For three hundred," Haru said. The man smirked and pulled the money out. He placed a wad in front of Haru and got a drink with the rest. The man handed it to her and she pretended to take a sip.

"You barely dented it, drink it," he insisted. Haru bit her lip. She didn't trust it but she had to. Her bodygaurd was watching and she had been warned by Jisoo a night before. The man smiled suspicously. "How about for four thousand?" Haru felt dizzy. Her bodygaurd whispered for her to do it.

Haru shook her head and said no but the man grabbed her hand anyways. It was never up to her, it was up to Jisoo and Jisoo said yes. Jisoo just wanted the money.


"I HATE YOU!" Haru screamed as soon as Jisoo entered her room. "I DONT WANT YOUR MONEY! TAKE IT ALL! TAKE ALL FOUR THOUSAND AND THE TWO THOUSAND YOU LEFT ME! TAKE IT! I HATE YOU!" Haru screamed, falling to her knees and sobbing.

"Woah...Hey, it's okay, Haru," Jisoo said.

"No. No, it's not. I...I blacked out. I had no idea what was happening and I barely remember it...Do you," Haru hiccupped. "Do you know what that feels like?" Jisoo had no emotion.

"I do. I've been through worse, dear. Now, Namjoon's waiting." Haru followed Jisoo to the front door of the mansion. "Oh," Jisoo turned to Haru as she opened the door, "trust me...It gets worse."





Thanks for reading! Comment and vote please! ~J

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