Chapter 17

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*unknown pov*

"Quick we're loosing him". "there is nothing else we can do doctor, he lost too much blood." "look in his file for someone to donate blood for him". "nothing shows up". "who did he come with?" "a girl. seems about his age" "tell her the circumstances and maybe she'll be compatible".

-camilas pov-

"ill book the next flight there" says Shawn's mom in tears. "I'm sorry Mrs. Mendes this is all my fault" I say crying silently. "no honey, this isn't your fault. it was an accident" she says calmly. "ill keep you updated on him" I say wiping away my tears. "see you soon honey. tell him I love him" she says and we hang up. its been about 5 hours since they took him into surgery. I'm worried sick. the police came a few times but I wasn't emotionally stable to answer any questions. a young looking nurse comes into the waiting room and looks at me. "are you with Mr. Mendes?" she asks. I open my mouth to say yes but nothing comes out so I just shut it and nod. "please follow me" she says pointing to a long silent hall. "the doctor says there is some possibility of him surviving but he lost a lot of blood" she says closing the door to a small office like room. "I'm sure he has someone you can go to in his files" I say. "we tried but his files are empty, and since you were with him we wanted to start with you, of course family would be better but since no one is close by" she says motioning for  me to sit down. "his mother will get here tonight" I say taking a seat. "by tonight it would probably be too late" she says putting some papers in front of me "if you sign these we can see if you're compatible and if you are we can save him, there is very little time so please think about it....." "Camila" I say. "well Camila with just your signature we might be able to save his life" she says handing me a pen. I sigh and sign the papers. this is all my fault and I need to save him.

-a few hours later-

"you're compatible,we will give him the transfusions now" says the nurse handing me a cup of water and a cookie. "okay" I say and drink the water. Shawn's mom isn't here yet and i'm just sitting in the waiting room starring into space. I've been thinking of all the things that have happened during this year. Shawn is by far the best thing ill ever be glad to have in my life.

-a few tears later-

"honey wake up" says someone shaking my shoulder. "Mrs. Mendes?" I ask. "sorry it took me so long its just the whole family wanted to come" says wiping some tears from my face. "are you okay darling? you look a bit pale and so so skinny,  have you been eating lately?" she asks. "Mrs. Mendes please this isn't about me its about Shawn." I say not wanting to answer her question. she just nods and Aaliyah grabs my hand and leads me away from the waiting room and to a tiny room with vending machines. "Camila tell me the truth" says handing me a cup of water. "look Aaliyah its just I've been very busy lately and I haven't had any time for anythin-" she interrupts me. "do you have an eating disorder?" she asks holding my hand. "I-" my eyes flood with tears. she's right. I do have an eating disorder. "i'm sorry" I say as she holds me in her arms.

-a few days later-

"is she okay?" asks someone. "she will be fine but when she wakes up we will have to take her to a rehab center for her own good" says another person. "oh god she's going to want to see Shawn before she leaves though". "then we will let her say goodbye." my eyes flutter open and im blinded by the light in the room. "Camila" says Aaliyah clutching my arm. "what happened?" I ask. "im sorry but you're going to be put in a rehab place" she says. "I guess its for the best" I sigh. "Shawn woke up" she says. "he did?" I smile. "yeah he's getting ready to leave right now" she says. I get up and run out of my room. I want to see him. his smile his eyes and everything else. I need to see him. "Camila wait" calls Aaliyah. I burst into the room 105. but I'm dumbfounded by what I see. Shawn's kissing Lauren.

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