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All this was just running though my mind. I might not have to say good bye to them. I might get to wake up every morning and see there dorkish faces.

I must have been just starring at nothing because all of a sudden Calum just yelled in my ear.

"KILEY STOP DAY DREAMING ABOUT LUKE AND GET IN THE CONVERSATION!" He yelled and I screamed loudly. I flinched back and threw my hands in front of me face. I looked up with fear in my eyes from the yelling.

"Oh I didn't mean to scare you." He said while giggling.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled and smiled at Luke while going over to him.

"You didn't deny it." Calum said while smirking.

"Deny what?" I asked.

"That you were day dreaming about Luke." He said and I just shrugged. We then all decided to walk to Luke's and ask his mum about the whole thing.

We were all walking to Luke's , just laughing and having a good time. I was pushing Luke and playing with his hair while the others were walking behind Luke and I. As we got there I started to get nervous. What if she thinks we're selfish for asking and says no.

"Don't be nervous, she will say yes. It's management that we have to worry about." Luke said like he had just read my mind.

"Okay." I said quietly as we got to the house. We all walked down the path and eventually got to Luke's front door.

"So am I supposed to knock or...." I said and Luke laughed at me.

"Just open the door, Kiley." Luke said with a laugh. I opened the door and Liz was sitting on the couch watching some kind of cooking show.

"Oh hi kids." She said as she turned to look at us.

"Do you guys want something to eat, sandwiches? How about a drink? Water, juice, pop?" Liz said with a smile. I giggled and looked at Luke.

"Mum." He groaned and Liz laughed and apologized.

"So why did you all come by." She said.

"So why can't just come by and see the bestest person ever." Michael joked and we all laughed.

"Okay, now really why did you guys come." She said in a more serious tone. We all looked at each other and Luke started to talk.

"So we're leaving tomorrow, and we are all really gonna miss Mariya and Kiley. So we were wondering, could they come with us on tour and you could home school them for a while." Luke said rushing the last part.

"Oh um it wouldn't be a problem to home school you guys, but we have one day to get your parents and management on board with it. And if your parents are okay with it you still only have one day to pack." Liz said. I let out a squeal and everyone turned and looked at me. I started to laugh and everyone else did to.

We soon left Luke's and went to my house to see if I could go. Before we left Luke's, Liz said she would call management and try to convince them for us.

When we got to my house, to our surprise, Mariya's mum was there along with Mariya's siblings. Our parents were talking and siblings running around playing.

"Um mum, can we all talk." Mariya said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh God, your not pregnant, are you?" Mariya's mum cried. And we all just laughed.

"No mum, we just wanted to ask you something." Mariya said and I got nervous again.

"Can we go on tour with the guys. Luke's mum said she could home school us and she is talking to management about it." Mariya rushed out and our parents looked shocked.

"No." My mum said.

"What?" I said in shock.

"I said you aren't going, you're 15." My mum said and I felt tears pool in my eyes.

"Um miss, we wouldn't let your daughter get hurt. Kiley is very important to me- I mean us and we would never hurt her, and same goes for Mariya." Luke said with a smile.

"Kiley, do you really want to go." My mum said and I looked up at her.

"More than anything." I said quietly and looked my mum in the eyes.

"When are you leaving?" She asked with a sigh and I smiled great big.

"Tomorrow." I said and mum just looked shocked for a moment.

"Go get your arse packed then." Mariya's mum said. Mariya and I both went and hugged our mum's and ran to my room with the boys following. We decided that after I was done packing that we would go to Mariya's and help her pack.

I was about half way down packing and the boys kept asking me questions.

"How come you have so many of our shirts?" Ashton asked.

"Because." I answered plainly.

"How come you have to many pairs of skinny jeans." Calum asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." I responded.

"Why do you have a picture of fetus 5sos on your desk." Luke asked and I just laughed at that.

"How come you have a notebook in your underwear drawer." Michael said.

"MICHAEL!" I yelled and tried to get the notebook back.

I shouldn't of let the boys help.


Hey people. Sorry about this chapter.

Stay lovely my penguin

Bye~ Kiley

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