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I just got a text from Mariya saying that Ashton told her Luke woke up.

I was so happy but was also worried cause I broke my promise.

I said I would be there when he woke up but no I was sitting at home lying in bed.

I got dressed and was literally out the door in 10 minutes. I ran as fast as I could to the  hospital. As soon as I got there I saw Ashton and Mariya talking quietly.

"Where is he. Well I know where he is but is he still awake." I said to Ashton who shook his head slowly. "What do you mean no. Mariya texted me and told me that he woke up. She told me YOU told her." I said angrily. "Kiles calm down." Mariya said trying to calm me down but I was fuming.

"ASHTON WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME. LUKE IS BASICALLY MY LIFE AND IF I LOSE HI-" but got cut off before I could finish. Michael ran in interrupting me. "Luke. Awake. Looking. Kiley. Come." He said panting. Me and Mariya stood there really confused but Ashton soon spoke up and said "Luke is awake and he is looking for Kiley so let's go."

As we walked in the room my heart broke at the site. Luke was struggling to to stay awake.

I rushed to his said and said "Luke stay awake. Please. For me."

As soon as I said that his eyes started to close again but he was fighting to keep them open.

"Kiley. I-I l-l-l....." He started as the machines started beeping. "Luke please. I don't want to lose you." I said as I was about to cry. "I love you." Luke stammered out and before I could respond we were all rushed out of the room by the nurses.

Ashton and I were full on crying as we went back to the waiting room. Ashton sat against the wall curled in a ball sobbing. Mariya asked him if he was okay and sat next to him.

I wanted to go see how he was to but I don't think I would be able to say anything. It would probably just come out as an ugly sob.

Mariya and Ashton talked quietly and soon got up and walk to Calums room I assume.

I was sitting in one of the waiting room chairs thinking about what Luke said right before we were rushed out the room. "I love you." How could he love me we have only known each other for about 2 months now. I mean I know I have strong feelings for Luke and I love when he talks to me or says my name but do I love him?  I mean how could I possibly love someone at 15 and almost 16.

I didn't realize it but Michael had walked in and sat next to me. I jumped when I looked up and saw him sitting next to me starring at me.

"You thinking about what Luke said" he said to me.

"Yeah" I replied softly.

All of a sudden a nurse came up to us and told us about what happened to Luke. I pretty much zoned out after she said something went wrong with his heart and that it was life threatening. I wasn't full on crying but I wasn't okay.

After the nurse left I said I would go tell Ashton and Mariya. As I walked down the halls of the hospital I remembered Luke and Calums families are coming today. God I won't even be able to face Luke's family without crying.

As I walked in the door I saw Ashton and Mariya talk and Calum was sleeping.

"Guys it's Luke. They said something was wrong with his heart and that is was life threatening..." and that's when it finally sunk in. Luke might not make it. All of a sudden I fell to my knees and sobbed. How will I make it in life if Luke isn't here to make me smile. Even before I met him he was one of the very few reasons I smiled everyday.

Mariya tried comforting me but nothing was working. I couldn't calm down. I wonder how Michael and Ashton were feeling. I wonder how everyone is feeling.

Mariya finally got me convinced to go back to the waiting room and we all walked back. We eventually got back to the waiting room and when I looked up and saw Lukes mum crying into her hands I started to cry again.

Well this isn't going to be fun...


Hello people of wattpad. Sorry about this chapter, it's pretty bad. Well stay lovely. BYE~ Kiley :-)

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