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After we ate, the boys had some banding to do so me and Kiley decided to go to the mall. No wait correction. Kiley told me we were going to the mall. I hate shopping, malls, places involving people. Claustrophobia. I have that. Elevators scare me. So do rooms that have no one in them. Scary. Luckily the mall was just down the road so we walked there.

We walked through the front door, Kiley immediately running to some store, Claire's, or something. I stuffed my hands in the pocket of my hoody and walked in behind her. She was looking at some pearl earrings and putting then up to her ears.

"What do you think of these ones." She said holding up a pair of small pearls to her ear.

"They're nice." I said and a few little kids rushed passed me. Cringing, I let out a little shriek before walking out of the store. I watched as people walked by, staring at me like I was some weirdo. But then again I am. So not much offense.

Kiley finally walked out, holding a little purple bag in her hand. I peeked in and saw she had gotten the earings along with some other stuff.

"Alright where to next." She said and I spotted a converse store. I smiled and looked at her, seeing she had the same expression.



We ran towards the store and grabbed a pair of converse. We had this little game we liked to play, called mix and match. We would find two pairs of shoes, switch out one for the other, a buy a pair of mix match shoes. But the cool part was, we picked each other's.

Kiley ran over, shoving two shoes at me, blue and green. Perfect. I thought as I grabbed the pair I had been looking at. One was galaxy and the other was floral. They looked really cool together so I showed them to Kiley, who smiled and grabbed them, throwing them into one of the boxes.

We managed to get out without the worker seeing we had mixed up the shoes. We turned to walk down the other end of the large mall, seeing as there wasn't much down the other way. We spotted a Starbucks and ran across the mall, dodging people. I ordered a Smore frappachino. Kiley ordered a smoothy of some sort. Not sure. I was too busy looking at picture on my phone.

"Watcha looking at." Kiley said pulling the phone from my hands. I whined and she smiled as she saw that I was looking at photos the boys had been posting all day.

"You still fangirl over there pictures. You met them. We are on tour with them. What more could you ask for." She said and I shrugged, nervously looking at all the people staring. Kiley must have noticed as we quickly walked out and started toward the hotel.

Once we got there she started showing me all the stuff she got at Claire's. I put the shoes on, liking the different colours. I smiled and took a few pictures, sending them to my brothers. I got replies, saying 'wtf they are different' and 'i like the colours' I laughed before taking the shoes off and blasting reject through the hotel room.

"Concert?" I asked


We jumped up on the beds and started dancing around. I started singing and Kiley joined in and before we knew it, we were having a rock concert. I was on the floor, leaned back air guitaring, and Kiley was singing on the bed. We heard a small knock and stopped what we were doing to stare at the door. We saw the boys standing there laughing. Kiley blushed so I stood up.

"What the hell is it with you boys and not knocking. Like seriously." I yelled and they took a step back.

"Damn sorry. We just wanted to see if you guys wanted to go get something from Starbucks." Ashton said and I felt guilty.

"Sorry. And no we already got some." I said pointing to the empty cups.

"Its fine. We're going if you wanna tag along. Or are you busy having a concert?" Luke said, sarcasm clearly in his voice.

"Um yea I guess we could go. Yea Kiley?" I asked. Kiley nodded and we followed the boys out to their van.

"Welcome to Casa De 5SOS." Calum said as Ashton helped Luke in the car.

"Calum this isnt your house." I said and he pouted.

"This is Automovil De 5SOS or somerthing to that effect." I said and Calum glared at me.

"Automovil De 5SOS." Calum mimicked. 

"Oh be quiet Calvin the Asian one." I said jokingly but apparently Calum didn't take it that way.

"Shut up. My name is Calum and I'm kiwi." He said and I looked at the boys. Their expressions were no help so I looked at Calum again.

"It was a joke. I know your not Asian. And if you were you would be the most badass one." I said and he looked down.

"Sorry. Now can we just go." He said quickly as the car took off.

~Skips the whole Starbucks trip~

We were driving back home, and Luke was starting to complain about his chest again. Michael was yelling at him to stop, Ashton was sitting with Calum and Kiley and me were talking. Calum and I aren't on speaking terms still after what I said. The boys said he should get over it soon. Hopefully.

"Luke we get it your chest hurts. We dont need to hear it a million times." Michael yelled at Luke, who had tears streaming down his face.

"It-it hurts." He cried and Kiley stopped talking to go sit next to him.

"Michael be quiet. I'm sure if it was you you'd be worse." I said and he looked at me angrily. That probably wasnt the best thing to say but hey, im Mariya when is anything that comes out of my mouth the right thing to say.

"Alright all of you need to shut up. Its pouring out and the driver is probably having a hard time seeing and it isn't helping by all of you screaming at each other. Now can you all just sit quiet until we get to the hotel." Ashton said and we all looked at each other, guilty looks on our faces. But it soon changed to us all looking at Ashton.

"Shut up Ashton." We all said in unison and began fighting again.

We finally pulled up to the hotel, Kiley helping Luke out, Ashton helping Calum and Michael And I walking while throwing comebacks at each other.

"Why dont you stop dying the ugly hair of yours. One day its all going to fall out."

"At least I can style my hair. Yours just looks like a ball of knots."

"At least I have actually friends. Your forced to hang out with these boys and more than half the fans dislike you." I screamed earning shocked looks from everyone. I mentally face-palmed as I shook my head and stormed past everyone inside. Running to the room I swiped the key and whipped the door open running to the bed, only to fall onto it. I had just yelled at my superhero. And there was no turning back.


Well damn that was interesting. Had to update on my computer and 12 in the morning but hey i updated ;)

Luv Yall so much.

Stay Frosty My Royal Poptarts (SFMRP)


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