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I couldn't sleep.

I was thinking.

I was thinking about Luke.

I was thinking about what would happen to Luke.

My mind was racing with thoughts.

'What happens if something goes wrong in surgery and he didn't make it'

'What happens if he doesn't remember me when he wakes up'

'What if he doesn't wake up'

It was now 4 in the morning and I was having no luck sleeping. I decided I would go to the park.

I got dressed in black skinny jeans and a simple black and white tee shirt. I grabbed my phone and walked down stairs.

I left a note on the kitchen counter for my mom because she got home this morning. I slipped on my shoes and walked out the door.

Even as I walked I thought about Luke. Tears fell down my face as I thought about the first time we met. I remember how he kept starring at me. I remember when I zoned out when we were playing video games and he laughed at me. Oh how I miss his laugh. I miss him so much.

I finally reached the park and sat down on the swing. I swang slowly as I looked at the sky. It was almost 5 and today visiting hours were from 5:30am to 9:00pm.

I decided I would just leave the park now and walk to the hospital. It was lightly misting but I didn't mind, as long has I got to see Luke it was fine I guess.

I eventually got to the hospital and walked to Luke's room. I knocked on the door frame lightly because there were nurses in the room. They gave me a sympathetic smile and left the room.

"Hi Luke it's Kiley. I didn't want to leave last night, I wanted to stay be your side all night but they nurses wouldn't let me. I didn't really sleep last night I was to worried about you. I went to the park this morning and I was remembering the first day we met. I was remembering how you laughed at me when we where playing video games. I really miss hearing your voice even though it has been less than 24 hours since last time I heard it. I was going to go see Calum today if that was okay with you." After I said that I mentally scolded me self for asking him a question.

"Sorry I just asked you a question. I am going to go see Cal now I will be back soon. BYE Luke." And with that I left to go see Calum.

As I got to Calums room I realized it was still early and that he was probably still asleep.

As I entered the room I was surprised to see that Calum was wide awake.

"Hi Cal" I said has I sat down in the chair beside his bed.

"Hi Kiley. How is Luke doing?" A tear slipped down my cheek at the mention of Luke.

"He going into surgery at 6 tonight." I said as I looked at the ground.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me as another tear fell down my cheek.

I looked up at him with watery eyes.

"Not to good." I whispered. I was going to continue me answer when Mariya came in.

"Oh hi Kiley." She said. I said a quiet 'hi' to Mariya and said I had to get back to Luke.

And with that I made the walk back to Luke's room.


Sorry for my awfulness

Stay lovely

BYE~ Kiley

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