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We walked into Wal-Mart, still panting. The workers looked at us as if we were crazy, which technically we were. We ran up and down random aisles, playing tag. At one point Michael was 'it' and Me, Ashton, and Kiley were hiding behind a cash register. The man working there ratted us out by yelling at us to 'grow up'. Michael found us, resulting in a huge screaming fit from the three of us. Finally the manager came out and told us we had to leave. We laughed the whole way out and Ashton collapsed to the floor of laughter.

"This is your fault Michael." He said between laughter.

"No it's not. You three screamed like maniacs." He said before laughing again.

"Whatever. We still have to hit up target." He said. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before standing back up.

"Tired?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No I just have something in my eyes."

"Explain the yawn then." I said and he pouted.

"Fine. Yes I'm tired. But ill be fine. Now before target closes." He said turning and running in the other direction.

"Wait up." Me and Kiley yelled to the two idiots we were racing.

When we got there again we were panting. We walked in and started playing tag.

"Alright. Can the four teenagers in the store please exit through the front. Thank you." Some one said over the loud speaker.

We were all in different places so we texted each other to meet at the front. Me and Kiley walked out laughing and stood waiting for Ashton and Michael. When he finally came out we saw that Ashton had a sleeping Michael drapped over his shoulder.

"How did he fall asleep while we were running around." I asked.

"We were hiding and his eyes closed and boom. He was asleep." He said, waving is hands in the air for emphasis.

"Whatever. Lets just go. You two can crash at my place." I said and we took off to my house.

When we got there, Ashton dropped Michael on the couch, causing Michael to wake up.

"What the heck was that for." Michael shouted.

"Your heavy." Ashton argued.

"Well then why didn't you just tell me to walk."

"Cause you were asleep."

"Is that my fault."

"Yes it is. Just shut up."

"Don't tell me what to do Irwin."

"Don't call me that Clifford."

"Both of you shut up." I yelled causing them to look at me.

"Your both exhausted and cranky. Ashton there's a room upstairs. Go. Now. Michael go to the room down the hall." I yelled and the ran to where I said they were to go.

"Slay girl." Kiley said from behind me. I laughed and turned around.

"Hey so I was thinking. Maybe tomorrow we could go see the boys then bring them here and we can hang here before they have to go." I said and she looked confused.

"Go. Go where?" She asked and I gulped. I had to tell her sooner or later.

"There on tour Kiley. They were only staying for a while." I said and reality hit her like a truck.

"They're leaving? But I don't want them to leave. I want to be able to hang with them and.... and..." she said before crying.

"I know that you don't want them to leave but they need to. We met them and our day was up about two weeks ago. They only stayed because of Luke and Calum." I said and she nodded. She wiped her eyes and lean on my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss those four dorks."

"Me too."


Sorry it's really short. This is not the end tho don't worry. I don't think so. Unless Kiley ends it. But I don't think she is.

Stay frosty my Royal Poptarts


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