The Test

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Natsu's POV~

I opened my eyes to see night had fallen and a shining full moon looming over my head. Erza, Gray, MiraJane, Loke, Levy, and Cana were up and talking around a bright camp fire.

"Oh, good your awake Natsu! You wouldn't happen to have any booze on you right now, right?" Said Cana.

 "Cana! I'm under aged, why would I have booze?" I said.

Everyone laughed.

I was't in the mood for laughing after the experience I just went through. It had felt like a dream, and a trance, but also so real and vivid.

"Hey, where is Sue?" I said finally, shaking the drowsiness away.

 Suddenly I felt a tight squeeze at my hand. I looked over to see Sue fast asleep, holding my hand. Her eyebrows furrowed and her pupils moved quickly back and forth behind her shit eyelids.

"She is the only one who hasn't woken up yet." Levy explained.

 "Wait, how did we even get here. Last thing I remember, we had just finished the elimination round." I said, confused.

"I'm not entirely sure. I woke up and I was right here, laying next to everyone else sleeping." Said Erza.

Sue's face stiffened and then relaxed. She began to crack open her eyes. "Welcome back to reality, sleepy head." I said.

She rubbed her sleep eyes and asked "Where am I? And what about the exam..." Her voice trailed off.

"Y'all are lucky I saved you guys, now I'll never become an S-class wizard!" Said MiraJane.

"What? You didn't save us, I did." I said.

"No, you guys are both wrong. I saved everyone. I even caught Erza from falling." Said that stripper Popsicle, Gray.

"What are you talking about Ice Princess, I saved Sue from falling, idiot." I said.

Sue's POV~

Before I knew what was going on, the entire campsite began fighting with each other about who saved who.

What? But I thought I saved everyone. Ahhhhh I'm so confused. What is going on.

Suddenly we heard a booming voice say, "Stop fighting BRATS!!!"

It was the guildmaster. "I know you are all wondering about that dream you had. To tell you the truth, it was Mystogan with his Dream Magic. He made you choose the exam or your friends. I'm glad to see you all have chosen your friends. If you had picked yourself over your friends, you would've been sent off the island immediately. Those who lost the elimination round should be on a boat back to Fairy Tail right now. But you still have a way to go till S-class. Your next challenge will be to climb the tree in the middle of the island. That is, without magic."

"What?!" Everyone yelled.

The old man continued, "Once you reach the top of the tree, you will enter one of the teleporters. Then you will face either Laxus, Mystogan, Guildarts, or of"

" WHATT!?" Everyone repeated.

"That is all." Said the old man, and then disappeared.

"Hey come back here right now!!!" We all shouted.

"Well then, come on Natsu!" I said as I grabbed his hand and began running towards the tree. "How bad can it be to climb one little tree? It's time to win this thing!"



YAY!!! Hey hey everyone!!!
I'm back!!! How are you guys!!!
Thank you for reading this chapter!
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UPDATE: Hi! Hope everyone enjoying the updated version and is having a lovely day! Just a reminder to stay healthy and if you've been on Wattpad for three hours on end, GET UP, eat a snack, drink some water, and then proceed with the reading. I love you all. BYEE!!

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