The Titan

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Sue's POV~

When I opened my eyes again I saw attacked to a long stick. I was tied on with two chains. I felt like the prey of a caveman or like Ichiya must have felt when he was attacked in the Oracion Seis arc.

Two men were carrying me up a mountain

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Two men were carrying me up a mountain. Behind them was all the villagers. I looked around. "What the hell is going on???" I yelled squirming in the chains.

I felt like the bait on one of Happy's fishing poles and let me just tell you, it was not a good feeling.

"You gave us this curse. If we sacrifice you to the volcano,the curse will disappear!" Yelled a villager. "Guys that's ridiculous! I never gave you a curse! I'm here to help you guys! I wanna fix whatever happened to you guys I promise!!!" I said, straining.

"Once we sacrifice you, we will get rid of this curse." Said the mayor. We made it to the top of the volcano. They took the chains holding me and threw them, along with me plummeting into the volcano. The whole crowed cheered. As I feel I saw Taka, head down, silent, expression-less. Noooooo! I can't die yet! Not like this!

My body crashed into the hot lava. It felt like smacking straight against concrete. I body went numb. I couldn't move.

Strangely enough, nothing hurt. Then it hit me: SUE YOU DUMBASS!! YOU ARE A FIRE DRAGON SLAYER!!! LAVA IS NOTHING!!!

I floated upside down in the thick substance. My head hung low and I sighed. How do I always get put in these situations?

Natsu's POV~

When I woke up, I felt a cold cobblestone floor. "Where am I?" I asked, my head throbbing.

I looked all around. I was in a small jail cellar. The strange thing was that, no one was here. Not even prison guards.

"Fists of Flames!" I yelled, easily destroying the bars. I ran out as fast as I could. I looked around everywhere outside, but no signs of people.

Suddenly I heard a deep roar. My gaze averted to the volcano, from where it came. What was that? That was not human.

At the top of the volcano was a large group of people, crowded. What is goin on??

I began to speed up the hill. I got about halfway up until I met ways with the crowd of people. I hid behind a rock and waited till they passed; I was not about to get gassed again.

Once they passed I sprinted up the volcano. I looked back at the mob of people behind me, Sue wasn't there. Where is she?

Sue's POV~

I swam deeper into the volcano. Something was urging me towards the center.

I swam through the thick substance. The center of the volcano shone extremely brightly. A radiating yellow ball of light floated in the lava. I examined the ball.

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