Devil's Tongue

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Sue's POV~

When I opened my eyes, I was in a white room. There were no windows. Only a bed laced in red and a door. I looked down and gasped in horror.

I was wearing a pink dress with a rose at the front and a lacy choker. My hair was spelled back into a long ponytail held up by pearls and pink headband. I looked down at my hands. There were two magic handcuffs. I tried to used my magic. Nothing. Fire Dragon Roar? Nothing. Wings of Fire? Nothing. Iron fist of the dragon? Nothing.

My scarf! And the egg!!! Oh no they didn't!

I stood up. My head throbbed in pain. I felt the back of my head to find an enormous bump. Owwwwwww!

I marched to the door. I opened it. It was a large room with white walls. Inside was a cream colored couch, a lit fireplace, and a man with dark, black hair tied back into a ponytail.

"Ahhhh I'm glad your awake, Sue Dragneel." Said the man, in a cold voice. "Who are you? How do you know my name? Why am I here?" I asked. "So many questions, sit down."

I sat on the couch. "I am Mard Geer. I am the guild master of Devil's Tongue." He said. "Devil's Tongue?! As in the dark guild?" I asked. "Yes, that's right."

"You know very well how I know your name." He said. "And as for why you are here, I, in turn would like to ask you some questions."

I nodded. Seems fair enough. "Now then, what do you know about the dragon, Igneel? Answer truthfully." Igneel... "H-he is the king of fire dragons. He adopted me and Natsu. He disappeared on the date 7-7-777." I said. "That's all?" He asked. I nodded.

"Have you ever heard of Zeref?" He asked sitting down on the couch. "N-no I haven't." I answered.

"And for my final request. Tell me everything you know about E.N.D." He said, stone face. No way.......he couldn't possibly.....

"What do you know?" He pressed on. "I-i-i know nothing. Never heard of it in my life." His expression darkened. "That's a lie."

"No! It's the truth! I have no idea what you talking about!" I said urgently. "Look, we can do this two ways. One you get beautiful cloths, a nice room, and gourmet food as our special guest. Or we will lock you in the dungeon as our prisoner. Your choice. Now tell me what you know." He finished.

I took a deep breath, "I know nothing." He sighed and shook his head. "I didn't want to do this." And with that someone grabbed me from behind, put a cloth over my nose and I passed out.




Hey hey!! Lately these chapters have been so short! But I have been updating more quickly, so yea! Did you like this chapter? We're you confused? Good.

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As always I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! Thank you for reading this chapter, and SEE YA NEXT TIME!!!

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