The Phoenix Mountain

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Natsu's POV~

We had been traveling for about 4 hours now and I could barley see the tip of a large mountain. "Yay guys! There it is!" I yelled.

"Yay!" Lucy and Happy said. "Almost Sue!" Said Sting. "Come on!" Said Angel.

We continued running for about an hour. Sue lied limp on my shoulder. After about 30 more minutes of running, we finally reached the base of the mountain.

The sun was setting and was counting down the hours for Sue. We only had about 30 more hours to find the phoenix, have it judge Sue, and bring her back.

The golden sun slipped behind the mountain and disappeared, leaving us in complete darkness. We traveled up the mountain. Further and further, until we heard a woman's scream.

"Kya!!! Help somebody help me!!!" She yelled. A child cried, and then stopped. "Shut up!" Said a man's voice. Other men's voices snickered.

I looked over a cliff. Around a campfire, were about 20 men. One was crouching down poking the fire. He spoke, "So what goods do you have? Money? Jewelry? Food?"

He stared straight in front of him. There was a man, holding a pregnant woman who looked about 27 years old. Next to him was another man holding a young child. The kid looked about 3-4 years old.

"I have nothing!" Yelled the pregnant woman. The man who was at the fire seemed to be the boss. He frowned. "Well you do have something...." He looked at the boy who was passed out and dangling from under a man's arm. "We haven't had a new recruit in a long time. The last one was about 10......what happened to him?" Said the boss. A man in the gang spoke up, "He died two days ago!" "Oh yea, I forgot!" He said. Everyone laughed.

The woman looked horrified. "No please! He is all I have! My husband died three months ago..." Tears filled her eyes. "Please you can kill me! Just don't let my child die!"

"That's an idea!" Said the boss. The all started to corner the woman. He was terrified.

"We have to help!" I whispered to Sting and Lucy. "Yea but Sue.......the time is almost up! We might not find the phoenix in time!" Said Sting, "Don't get me wrong, I want to help her, but look at it, there are 20 of them!" He said.

He's right......but still.....

"But wait! What would Sue do if she was alive?" Asked Lucy. I thought about it and then the answer came clearly. I knew what she would say. In fact I heard it.

In front of me was Sue, glowing. She was see-through. "Sue's soul....." Gasped Happy.

She looked so graceful and light, shimmering in the moonlight. Suddenly the gracefulness stopped with her yell, "YOU IDIOTS! YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD LET YOU GUYS NOT SAVE HER! SHE IS CARRYING A CHILD! TWO CHILDREN! IF SHE DIES, THE ONE INSIDE HER DIES, AND THE OTHER ONE DIES ON THE INSIDE! SO GET OUT THERE AND HELP HER RIGHT NOW!!! Also thank you very much for wanting to bring me back!" She said panting. I didn't know a soul could get tired.

The bandits stared up at the cliff we were on. The looked dumbfounded. I realized how loud she yelled. "Get them!" Yelled the boss.

"LETS GO!! TRY ME IDIOTS!!! COME ON LETS FIGHT!!!" She punched them. She went right through them. "Crap!" She said. "AHHHHHHH what!! I can't even fight!!"

"So she's not worried about being dead, but not being able to fight?!" Angel laughed.

All the bandits charged. The woman ran under a tree to take cover. "Uhh oh!" Said Happy. They were all armed with dangerous weapons like axes and swords. But right as they were about to attack, they stopped.

They stood still for a second and burst into flames. The flames gathered in the air and began to form a figure. The figure of a bird; a phoenix.




Hey hey guys!!! Did you enjoy that chapter? I certainly did writing it! If you did please,





Because that would be just guchi!!!

Also! Can you believe we made it to 30K views?!! That's crazy! Crazy awesome and it couldn't have happened without all of you wonderful people who read my stories and support me!

Anywayyyyyy sorry it took so long to update!!! You guys know this but you know I gotta say it,


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