Chapter 3

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Katerina's POV

They actually saw it. They saw my rant. And they wanted to thank me in person? I couldn't actually even believe it, the chances of this happening was practically nothing, but I got lucky. I double checked to make sure it wasn't one of those fake accounts, but it really was them. My inner mature side came out, starting to think about it. Should I really meet up with them? I mean, they're complete strangers. I have to be realistic here, just because they're in a boy band doesn't mean I should immediately agree to it. Well, they're not really too much of stranger, I mean, I just haven't met them. I needed to shut up, it's not like they're going to murder me or anything, they're in the world's biggest boy band. They wouldn't be able to get away with something like that, considering their every move is watched. Oh god, I didn't know what to say back to them. I decided to make it simple, not wanting to say too much incase, and replied in the same order.

'Thanks so much Liam! No worries, just wanted to try and put an end to some of those things. xx'

'No need to thank me, just speaking my mind Zayn :)'

'Hahaha! No, thank you Niall :D x'

'That's what I was aiming for. Glad I could do so, and it's not a problem Louis :)'

'Hiiiii. You're right haha, got a lot of messages :p it's not necessary, but I'd love to meet up with you all, and you're welcome Harry. xx'

That isn't too bad, right? It seemed pretty normal to me, not like I was trying too hard or thinking too much on what to say. I sent them all before I could change my mind. And surprisingly, Harry replied almost instantly. I didn't know he was online.

'Well, I should probably ask where you live first, haha. Don't think we'd be able to meet up overseas!'

I quickly typed up a reply, realizing that yes, I wouldn't be able to meet up with them. 'Yeah, I live in America.. Phooey :P x'

'That sucks. Have you got a Skype or something, maybe? xx'

I bit my lip, pondering on whether it not I should give it to him, any girl would willingly give their Skype to Harry. Why not give it? It's not anything bad, they just want to say thanks, and this is probably never going to happen again anyway. Me, being me, I was too much of a goody goody to ever give my Skype or any of that out to someone I've never met. But maybe doing something a little out there was alright, even though it's not that out there.

'Yeah, I do! It's kitkatdivine21x'

'Get on? I'll Skype you. The boys are here, about to head out :D'

I sighed, feeling a bit nervous about the entire thing. I didn't reply and opened up Skype on my laptop, sitting on my bed and quickly logging into my account. A request popped up from an unknown ID and I accepted it, figuring it was him. The screen loaded up and there sat Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis. I couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious, I didn't really think I was the prettiest girl. "Hi!" The five of them chorused, and I smiled shyly, waving. "Hi guys. Oh, my name is Katerina. But please call me Kat, I hate that name." I laugh, then I blushed after realizing I was rambling.

"That's such a pretty name, though!" Liam complimented.

"Aw, thank you, that's really sweet." I said cheerfully, smiling brightly at the screen.

"Yeah, for a pretty girl." Harry said, but I don't think he meant for me to hear it, considering it was pretty quiet. I played it off, but blushed slightly.

"But real quick, it's sad we can't thank you in person, but thank you so much!" Zayn said.

"Yeah, you're really sweet for doing something like that." Liam added.

"So we just wanted to thank ya for that." Niall said, smiling.

"Massive respect, you're a brave girl." Louis said seriously, flashing me a kind smile as well.

"But we have really got to go, it was great talking to you, sorry we have to leave!" Liam said.

"Oh, it's alright, don't worry! And you're welcome," I laugh, waving again. "Bye!" I say, and they all waved, disappearing from the screen.

"You aren't going with them?" I ask, looking back at Harry on the screen. I was kind of sad the others left, but I was glad that Harry was there. This had to be the most exciting day of my life, then again, my life was pretty boring.

"No, I decided to stay back, I didn't really feel like going anywhere." Harry shrugged, running a hand through his hair. I nodded, then my laptop beeped, signalling it was about to die. I frowned, knowing my cable was at my friends' house, and this would probably be the last time I'd talk to any of these boys.

"What was that?" Harry asked, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh, my laptop is about to die.. Sorry." I said, smiling sheepishly and pouting slightly.

"Well, that just gives me an excuse to ask you for your phone number." Harry said, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

I was shocked, no doubt about it. I didn't think he'd actually want to talk to me anymore after this Skype call, but he obviously just proved me wrong. I stuttered out my phone number, and he grinned, waving.

"I'll text you, bye babe!" Harry said, and then just like that, the call ended.

Well, that was really quick. And he kept his word, my phone starting to buzz in my lap, the screen shining bright, showing I had a new message. I opened it up, seeing the unknown number, and sure enough, it was Harry.

'Hi , it's Harry :)'

It was such a simple message, but it still made me feel extremely nervous to be talking to him. I was afraid I'd say something wrong, but I decided to just be normal and go with it.

'Hey :)' I sent, getting up and changing into a bathing suit, deciding to go out for a swim in the pool.

'What are you doing right now?xx'

There's no harm in saying I'm going for a swim, right? Gosh, I think way too much into all of these things. 'About to go for a dip in the pool, haha.x'

'So you're in a swimsuit then?x'

Why is he asking? I mean, I don't see the point why he needs to know that, and I decided to be a little sarcastic and joke around. 'No, I just decided to go jump in the pool and swim in my regular clothes, Harry. Yes, I'm in a swimsuit.x'

'Sarcasm, nice. So.. Can I see?;)'

As soon as I read the message, my eyes widened and I had no idea what to reply to that. It'd just be a picture of me in my bikini, no harm, right?

* *

Heeeeeey! So, this update is a lot later than I expected it to be, sorry about that! Been really busy, I'll try and update more often! Fan, vote, comment, whatever you guys want, love you all! -M x

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