Chapter 37

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Katerina's POV

The flight to Hawaii wasn't too long, and it definitely wasn't boring. Joking around with the boys was the highlight of the trip there, and I learned not to fall asleep on a plane with them. At the moment though, we were about half an hour from landing and there was a bit of a storm going on outside, not too bad, but it still made me extremely nervous. Almost automatically, I started playing with the necklace around my neck, keeping it out of view, and it took my mind off of the turbulence instantly.

"Babe, what are you playing with?" Harry asked curiously, politely leaving the conversation he was having with the boys and I kept ahold of the necklace in my hand, the little cross, almost as if I wanted to hide it. But I didn't know why I felt like I had the need to hide it, it was just a necklace; but it was important to me. I should tell him though, it's not like I had anything to hide.

"Just this." I laugh softly, moving my fingers from around the cross and showing it to him. "Whenever I'm afraid or anything, I always hold it and it takes my mind off of it." I shrugged, smiling. "When I was a little younger and I went on a few vacations, I never liked planes, I actually still don't. So whenever I got scared, I held it." 

Harry looked at the cross curiously, and a glint of recognization flashed across his eyes, but just like that, it was gone. "Is it important to you or something? How did you get it?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

I nodded, looking at it and blushing a little bit. "It's quite cheesy, the story behind it. It's really important to me, though. The way I got it is quite.. Random, and strange, I guess." I said, biting my lip lightly. "When I was younger, probably around seven years old, I was in a foster home. When I met you, I.. I lied about it. I didn't want you to feel sorry for me, because honestly, my parents leaving me doesn't affect me any longer. When I met you though, I had a new family, and well, that family is clearly gone." I said, tilting my head to the side a little. "But back to the story, um, I was out one day with the owner and the other kids. I kind of wandered off on my own, because I wanted to be alone for a bit. Around that time, things weren't easy for me. I was a child, of course, and I was confused, and hurt." I paused, sighing as I remembered the day clearly.

"I heard someone calling for me, but it wasn't the lady from the foster home. It was a boy, probably two years older than me, I think. He kind of just stared at me for a moment, before he reached around his neck and took something off, took my hand, and placed whatever it was into it. This necklace." I said, looking at it and smiling. "Just the randomness of it cheered me up for a bit. I was curious, but what he said to me kind of set me off." I said, laughing slightly. "Be happy." I quoted, letting my eyes fall shut as the boy's voice filled my ears. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "To this day, I sometimes, as silly as it sounds, dream about that same day. But the thing is, I can't remember what he looked like. I just remember his voice. And I've never seen him since that day."

"Kat.." Harry breathed, his eyes slightly wide with surprise, and he almost looked like he was about to cry. He pulled me into a random hug, and I was clearly confused. "Can I ask you something?" He asked hesitantly, biting his lip. "I've never asked, surprisingly." He said, laughing a little bit, and I nodded.

"Yeah, you can ask me anything, Harry." I said, smiling at him and nodding again.

"Where were you born?" Harry asked curiously, a bit of hope shown in his eyes. "And when you were seven, on that day, did you still live there?"

"Uh," I laughed. "Surprise, surprise, I was actually born in Holmes Chapel." I admitted sheepishly, smiling. "I did live there when I was seven, and I moved to America with my new family when I was thirteen. Why?" I asked, looking at him and raising an eyebrow.

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