Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

Whenever we reached the game, both Niall and I went and won Kat a huge stuffed animal, which she was happy to accept, but I could tell she still felt awkward.

"Hey, lets go get that cotton candy you wanted!" Niall said to her, and she giggled as he dragged her over, leaving me behind. I frowned, catching up to them eventually.

"Hey, I'm not feeling too well, so I'm just going to head back home. See you guys." I said, but what happened next broke my heart.

They ignored me.

"Whoa, there's different flavors? I thought there was just cotton candy!" Kat said, pointing and Niall laughed.

"Yeah, there's more than one, babe." Niall said, kissing her cheek and I frowned. It was as if I was invisible to them. My best friend and the love of my life were ignoring me, too focused on each other.

So I just turned and left. I walked the entire way home, even though it was far, and as soon as I got there I went up to my room, opened my drawer and dug through before I pulled out my book, suddenly feeling in a writing mood.

I grabbed the guitar I kept in my closet which I learned to play and opened my book up to a random page, spotting a song I had just started to write but I never finished it.

"Now you were standing there, right in front of me." I mumbled under my breath, reading it from the page and tapping my fingers against my knee, trying to find a beat to go with the words. After a few minutes I came up with it and started to strum it on the guitar.

I quickly jotted down the notes and thought about Niall and Kat, remembering how they were too indulged in each other to even pay attention to me and the words seemed to just fly across the page.

"Now you were standing there, right in front of me." I sang softly, strumming the correct notes and feeling my throat close up a bit.

"I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe." I continued, writing more as I went.

"All of a sudden these lights are blinding me." I sang quietly, my eyes welling up with tears. "I never noticed how bright they would be.." I trail off, sighing.

"I saw in the corner there was a photograph," I sang, my voice cracking a bit as I closed my eyes, a tear streaming down my cheek. "No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you."

"It lies there alone in it's bit of broken glass." I sang brokenly, another tear falling and soaking the page. "This bed was never made for two." I suddenly stopped, breaking down into tears and I shook my head quickly.

I need to get my mind off of it. I picked up my phone and went on twitter, and that wasn't the smartest thing to do after I saw all of the messages.

'You don't deserve her, Niall is so much better.'

'You'd probably cheat on her, manwhore.'

'Ugh, I wish she'd just dump you and go for Niall.'

'You're so stupid.'

'Go kill yourself and save everyone from having to deal with you.'

'She hates you.'

That last comment sent me into a whole new wave of tears and sobs, and I realized it was most likely completely true. She probably did hate me. She talked to Niall, but she ignored me. I should just make this easier for everyone and disappear.

Disappear. That's what I'll do.

I left my phone, guitar, and book on the bed, rushing into the bathroom and opening the cabinets, rummaging through them frantically until I found exactly what I was looking for. I took out three jars and ripped the labels off of them, throwing them wherever.

"This should do it." I whispered shakily, nodding as I opened the three jars and filled a glass with water. I took the first jar and emptied about half of it, shoving all of the pills into my mouth and taking a large gulp of water, swallowing them, my hands shaking.

I wanted to do this.

I wanted to end all of this.

My friends and my family always told me to be happy. Well, now I will be.

I took the second and third jar, pouring about thirty pills into my hand and I swallowed those, too, crying silently as I sat up against the bathroom counter, waiting.

After a few minutes, nothing happened and I frowned. It should have worked. Maybe I shouldn't have done this. I wasn't thinking about my mum, Gemma, the boys, or the fans. Oh my god.

I stood up shakily and was about to walk into the room to get to my phone and call for help, but as soon as I took a step forward I collapsed, barely conscious anymore. I cried, I sobbed, and I reached desperately for my phone that was inches away, but I couldn't reach it. As soon as I felt my fingers finally grasp the device, the blackness took over and the only thing I felt or heard was my heartbeat slowing more by the second.


I'm so sorry oh my gosh. I cried while writing this. I was debating on whether or not to include it, but I don't know. I'm sorry guys. I just had to do this. :(

I promise it'll all work out in the end even after this <3

Poor Harry though.

And I felt like I had to include his song, it really touched my heart because I understand it. Not in this way, but another, it's as if he read my mind and put the words on paper then he sang it. If I could, I would thank him.

But anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter, as sad as it was.

Tell me, who do you ship? Naterina or Karry? Comment!

Please vote, comment, fan :D Thanks a ton for reading, love you all! -M xx

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