Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

Whenever I felt her lips on mine, I felt happy again. Holding her, knowing she was mine. I realized how stupid I was to take all of those pills, how I was throwing everything away. I regretted it, but I was extremely glad that I was given another chance.

What happened after the beeping went flat was unexplainable. I couldn't describe it, I couldn't put it into words. It was the most peaceful feeling any human being could ever have, it made you want to die and go to heaven. The thing is though, I didn't give in. I'd changed my mind, I didn't want to die. I was being selfish and only thinking of myself, not thinking of how my death would affect everyone else.

But I had to put that behind me now. I had to focus on the present. I was alive and I was now well, I just needed some rest and I wanted to go home.

All of these thoughts swirled around my head as I kissed Kat, and then I pulled away after a moment, reluctantly.

"Could you go find out if I can leave and go home?" I said, my throat extremely dry. "And could you get me some water as well?" I asked, smiling sheepishly, feeling a bit too needy at the moment.

"Sure, I'll be right back." Kat said, smiling. She kissed my cheek and then practically pranced out of the room, causing me to laugh a bit, but I smiled, loving how happy she was now. I didn't want her to be sad.

While she was gone, I saw the other four boys walk in, their eyes red and their cheeks stained with tears. When they saw they all smiled, relieved, and didn't say anything, they just walked over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, lads." I said, smiling a little. "I really am. I won't do it again." I said, hugging them all back, and I saw Louis still looked extremely upset and worried.

"Lou, hey." I said, making him look at me. "I'm okay and I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." I said, giving him a separate hug which he gratefully returned. "Don't do that to me ever again, got it?" Louis said sternly, and then the both of us laughed at how serious he was being, it sounded weird coming from him.

"Got it." I nod, grinning at him as we pulled away from the hug. Then, Kat walked in and handed me a cup of water, which I drank quickly.

"Oh, you have to stay overnight." Kat pouted. "So do I, actually." She said, crawling back into the hospital bed that was next to mine, but it was a bit far.

"What, why do you have to stay?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"I had a stroke." She said, biting her lip. "But I'm okay, don't worry. They just want to make sure I'm not going to do anything insane." She shrugged.

I was worried, but I knew she was fine and that she wasn't lying. I turned to the boys and smiled at them. "It's pretty late, how about you all head back home and go to sleep?" I asked. They didn't argue and they all nodded, giving the both of us one last hug before they headed out, leaving me and Kat all alone.

"You're so far." I joked, pouting as I stretched my arm out, trying to reach her and laughing a bit.

"I know." Kat said, playing along and pouting as well as she stretched her arm out, trying to reach my hand.

"Wait, I've got an idea." She said suddenly, grinning as she hopped out of the bed and took off the hospital bed brakes, then rolled the bed right next to mine. She put the brakes back on and got back onto the bed, smiling brightly at me. "See? Problem solved. It's like a big double bed now." She laughed, and I smiled widely.

"Smart girl, aren't you?" I joked, wrapping my arms around her waist, exhausted. "I love you, but I'm tired." I chuckle, letting my eyes shut.

"Harry?" Kat asked, laying her head on my chest and looking up at me.

"Hmm?" I say, opening my eyes and looking down at her.

"Don't ever leave me." She said quietly, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Never." I replied, leaning down and pecking her lips, letting my lips linger for a moment. "I love you, beautiful. Goodnight." I murmur, smiling and finally admitting for the very first time that I was absolutely in love with this girl. All because of a rant.

"Thank you." She said, smiling again and I could see the happiness shining in her eyes, her expression lighting up, and I could tell she loved me too. "I love you too Harry. I really do. See you in the morning."

With that, the two of us dozed off in each others arms, our bodies perfectly molded together.

* *

I let my eyes flutter open, the bright light blinding me through a crack of the curtains. I flinched, letting my sight get used to the light and I smiled when I still felt Kat in my arms. I felt a lot better, and a lot more energetic. Kat shifted around a bit, and she soon opened her eyes, finding me staring at her.

"What?" She asked, giggling a bit.

"Nothing. You are just absolutely gorgeous." I grin. "And it's time to go home! Lets go!" I said cheerfully, getting up and out of bed.

"Harry, be careful!" Kat scolded, getting up and I laughed, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Whatever, buzzkill." I joked, pulling her to me and kissing her, taking her by surprise. When I pulled back, she looked flushed.

"What is up with you today?" She laughed, getting a hold of herself.

"Nothing, I'm just happy. And am I not allowed to kiss my sexy, yet beautifully adorable girlfriend?" I asked innocently, raising an eyebrow and grinning as I saw her blush in response.

"Shut up." Kat laughed, taking my hand and dragging me out of the room. "I already signed the papers last night." She added, and I nodded, letting her drag me around. There was a slight pain in my stomach, but it was barely even there.

"Do I get a welcome home present?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at her playfully which caused her to smack my arm.

"Shut it, Styles. You're ruining the surprise." She smirked, most likely messing with me as we got to the car.

"Why don't you just ruin the surprise right now?" I ask, pushing her up against the car and grinning mischievously as I started kissing her neck.

"Harry." Kat breathed, using all of her strength to push me away. "We are not having sex on a car. And we are not having sex, period." She said, grinning innocently at me.

"Aw, but why not?" I whined, getting into the passenger seat despite my protests. "I've missed everything about you, we haven't made out or anything for a while." I say, leaning over and trying to kiss her but she kept dodging me.

"Harry, I'm driving." She giggled, pulling out of the parking lot and starting to drive to the house.

"Alright, fine, fine." I said, laughing and leaning back in my seat.

"But expect more later tonight." I smirked, looking out the window casually.


Lisa yes I am actually doing this oh god this is going to be weird to write.

Anyway, hope you guys liked this chapter, finally a bit drama free! Please vote, fan, comment, and thanks a ton for reading. Love you all:D -M x

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