Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The Date


"Lena, thank goodness you're here." I said, relieved as I grabbed my best friend's arm and pulled her inside my yet again empty house, shutting the door and dragging her upstairs.

"Whoa, calm down." Lena laughed, letting me drag her into her room. "You called for what?" She asked curiously. "Damn, what happened in here?" She added, seeing clothes covering nearly every inch of my room, courtesy of me throwing them all over the place. You see, my little problem was that I had absolutely NO idea what to wear, and I didn't have much time left.

"I have a date tonight," I started, not giving any details on who it was. She probably wouldn't even believe me anyway. "And I have no clue on what to wear. He's taking me out to dinner, and then somewhere else afterwards.. He said to dress fancy, but comfortable." I said in one breath.

"Slow down." Lena laughed, grinning widely. "Ah! You finally have a date, it's about time! Hmm.. Fancy, yet comfortable." She said, rummaging through my closet and pulling out a few dresses, showing me them. I shook my head no to the ones I didn't like, then gasped as she pulled out a dress. It was a strapless, black dress that was flowy out at the end. It was slightly see through, but there was another layer below it so it wouldn't show anything. It had a little bow at the waistline, and it was simple, but absolutely gorgeous.

"I love it." I said simply. How had I not seen it hanging in my closet before?

"Me too, it's perfect! And just pair it with some black strappy sandals to give a bit of a fancy touch to the shoes." Lena added, smiling as she set the dress and shoes on the bed. Thankfully, I was already showered and I shaved my legs, wanting to be absolutely perfect for this date. First dates were a big deal to me, for some reason.

I took both things and ran into the bathroom, putting them on but not looking into the mirror. I put on some makeup, but made it only a little, just bringing out my eyes. I put on some pink lipstick as well, to add slight color and left everything else natural, then straightened my hair out a bit, keeping it wavy. My insecureness came out a bit, but I pushed it away, ignoring it, and stepped back into the room.

Lena looked up, and smiled widely, a look of awe on her face. "Gosh, you look so pretty!" She gushed. "That boy you're going on a date with won't be able to take his eyes off of you," She laughed.

"Shut up," I laugh, blushing and shaking my head. Yeah, right. I checked the time, and saw that it was exactly 6:00, when Harry told me he would pick me up, and as if on cue, the doorbell rang. "Go!" Lena grinned, ushering me out of my room. "I'll see you tomorrow, you better tell me everything!" She said, and I laughed, going downstairs and rushing over to the door. I stopped in front of it, doing a quick check up and fixing my hair, then I opened the door and smiled at the sight of him.

Gosh, he got fixed up really well. And I mean really well. 

"Hi, Harry." I said shyly, blushing and doing a little wave, causing a slight chuckle to escape his lips.

"Hello, beautiful." Harry replied, smiling charmingly at me, and I tried not to get lost into his eyes. He suddenly took his hand from behind his back, then held a rose out to me. "One pretty rose for one pretty lady," He said politely, and I blushed even deeper, taking it.

"Thank you." I said, smiling sweetly as he escorted me to his car, opening my door for me. He was such a gentleman, and I adored it. Along with his sweet talk.

"You're welcome." He said, smiling as he shut the door after I got in, then went around and got in the driver's side.

"So, where is this place we're going after dinner?" I asked, the curiousness eating me alive.

"It's a surprise." Harry said, smiling and keeping his eyes on the road as he drove.

"But-" I started to say, but he cut me off, laughing.

"No buts. It's a surprise. Patience, love." He said, amused, and I pouted playfully, but my lips twitched into a smile.

"Alright, fine. I'll be patient, but don't take too long." I said, messing around with him and he laughed.

"I wouldn't want to keep you waiting." Harry said, causing me to blush.

It was actually still shocking to me that we were on a date. I hadn't been on a date in forever. I mean, I've never had a boyfriend, but I had been on dates, and they never worked out well in the end, which is exactly why I was nervous.

At the thought of it, I grew even more and more nervous as the many possibilities of what could go wrong flew through my mind. But then, a cat crossed my vision as I stared ahead.

"Harry, watch out!" I said, and he swerved the car in panic at my yell, getting in the wrong lane. But as soon as he realized a car was headed straight on ahead of us, he changed lanes again, and my heart was racing as we started driving steadily  again. If he hadn't paid attention or changed a second later, we would be as good as dead. Or on the verge of it. I was terrified at the thought of it, my eyes still wide.

So far, the start of this date wasn't going exactly well, I mean, we almost died.

Hopefully the rest of the night will be alright.


Here's chapter 12 guys! It's quite short, I just wanted to cut it off there because I'm probably going to switch to Harry's POV next chapter, then continue the date!

Thank you so much for reading!

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