Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

I couldn't grasp the fact that my four best mates who were there for me through thick and thin were forcing me to choose between them, and a girl. I didn't expect for them to ever do that. I found it selfish of them to do that, but what worried me was that I was literally stuck. I couldn't choose. I expected to immediately choose Kat in a heartbeat, but then I thought about how I would hurt the lads by doing so. How I'd break so many fans' hearts. We were reaching our highest peak of success right now, and three years together was marked tomorrow. The question was; was it really worth throwing away three years of hard work for a girl that would most likely be willing to wait for me? If I broke up the band, we couldn't get back together because we'd have to start all over. So many fans would leave, but so many fans would stay, too. I was afraid that all of them would leave.

"You know what shocks me?" I said after looking away from Niall and clearing the thoughts out of my head before I influenced myself into making a possibly wrong decision, and a huge mistake. "The fact that you're making me choose. I didn't think any of you would be low enough to do that." I shook my head, looking at Zayn, Louis, and Liam I disbelief. "We always said we would respect each other's decisions no matter what and be okay with it if it made us happy, right? Whatever happened to that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Harry, we didn't mean to make it seem like that, but there's no other way to do it. This band is falling apart. If we don't do anything, One Direction is going to be no more. The media are already sick of us with all this ridiculous drama. Usually they eat it all up, but now they just see us as trouble." Louis said, sighing.

"Isn't there any other option? I'll talk to Kat. This isn't her fault, alright? But if you feel like it is, and I'll talk to her. We'll keep a low profile." I replied hopelessly. "Please. Louis, I finally found the girl who gives me the feeling of really being loved no matter what I do and no matter who I am." I pleaded to him. "I just got her, I can't let her slip through my fingers again. I can't."

"Harry, we can't risk it. Our careers, everything we've worked hard over for three years is going to go down the drain." Zayn spoke up seriously, looking at me.

"And Niall has to do the same. As sorry as we are to make you, you have to." Liam piped up, biting his lip.

"I can't just pick the band over her, though! That's like picking money over her, it's selfish!" I protested, shaking my head quickly.

"No, Harry. It's picking your dream over her. She'll understand." Louis said, trying to convince me, and it almost worked.

"I can see where Harry is coming from.. But I think you boys are right." Niall finally spoke, after being quiet and observing the situation. "The band's birthday is tomorrow. I don't want to spend it arguing with you four, and I don't want to spend it by having the band break up. I'm sure you all don't want that happening either."

"I don't have a choice then, do I?" I asked, my voice cracking. "I can't let down all the fans. I can't let down you. I'll just have to wait until I can freely be together with Kat." I continued, running a hand through my hair and leaning against the wall. "I have to break her heart."

"She'll understand, mate." Zayn reassured. "She wouldn't want you to pick her over your career or over the fans. She'll be willing to wait."

I nodded slowly. "I can't break up the band, especially the day before our birthday. People would be devastated, and we wouldn't be the same." I agreed quietly.

"Come on, lads. No matter what, we stick together." Louis said, giving me a sincere, apologetic look as we all formed a circle and had a group hug.

"No matter what." I said, trying to control my tears. I finally managed to catch the love of my life, but now I had to let her go.

The others nodded in agreement. "I'll talk to Lisa," Niall said. I almost felt jealous of him for a moment, he had it easier than me. He wasn't even dating Lisa, he probably wasn't even in love with her yet. All he had to do was say he couldn't have a girlfriend with how busy he was and with everything going on. But I had to break Kat's heart, and break mine in the process as well.

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