Chapter 30

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Katerina's POV

"I want to bring a very, very special girl on stage." Harry said suddenly, after singing a couple of songs with the boys at their concert. I was sitting front row, cheering and having a ton of fun. It was about time I loosened up after all of this drama, and I couldn't wait to see Harry after the concert as well.

"Actually, I want to bring up a special girl, too." Niall spoke up, causing me to frown in confusion, and I felt a random pang of jealousy come out of nowhere. Niall wants to bring up a girl? Who the hell would that be?

The boys all laughed, teasing mostly Niall because they were clueless as well. After a dramatic pause, both boys looked straight at me.

"Kat," Niall and Harry said in sync, which caused Harry to look over at Niall confusedly.

I was obviously confused but before I knew it the security guard had brought me up to the stage and I stood in between the two, dumbfounded. I mean, I can understand Harry, but why is Niall bringing me up? Though, a part of me was relieved he didn't bring up another girl. I shook the thought away. I can't think like that, I'm with Harry.

"Well this is uh, pretty unexpected." Harry laughed, going over and standing next to me. He leaned in for a kiss but before our lips pressed together I was pulled back by someone and surprised when I felt another pair of soft, plump lips touch mine.

That someone being Niall.

I couldn't bring myself to kiss him back, I really couldn't. But after his actions, that was when all hell broke loose. I was torn away by one of the boys, possibly Louis, and as soon as I was out of the way Harry charged at Niall and knocked him to the ground, the two throwing continuous punches and rolling around on the stage.

I stood there stupidly, in complete shock at what was happening before my eyes, and all of the girls in the huge arena were going insane, hating to see the two boys fighting. Louis and Zayn tried to pull them apart but it was no use, and my next move was probably the stupidest thing I'd ever done.

"Stop it! Stop fighting!" I yelled, going over and somehow pulling Niall off of Harry, getting in between them. But I was the last thing on their mind right now, and Niall shoved me away roughly, causing me to fall onto the stage floor. I whimpered, holding my wrist that seemed to bend backwards while I tried to catch myself. Harry looked up almost instantly and wanted to help, but now he was even more pissed off at Niall so he gave a look to Louis who immediately came over to help me. As I was being dragged away, I made eye contact with Harry and Niall.

"Please stop," I mouthed to them, my eyes brimmed with tears, but I was disappointed when they both just went at it again and continued pummeling each other in front of thousands of girls. Even security couldn't get the two apart. While I was taken backstage by a medic, I could still see what was going on, but I forced myself not to look. But I couldn't stop myself from hearing the vulgar things they yelled at each other, both boys extremely livid.

"I am fucking done with you! She's mine! Get in your stupid head!" Harry yelled, throwing another punch at Niall.

"You're the dick who keeps making her cry! You don't fucking deserve her, Harry." Niall shouted back, throwing a punch back at Harry which by luck, knocked him out. Even though Harry was out, Niall continued hurling his fists and he was soon pried away, but he kept kicking an unconscious Harry in the sides. As soon as Niall looked over and saw me crying, he softened up, then looked at Harry and almost looked confused. As if he wasn't himself just then.

"I.." Niall started to say, shaking his head repeatedly. "I'm so sorry." He said to no one in particular, then he rushed backstage and over to me.

"Ka-" He said, but I immediately cut him off. I had lost all respect for him, I didn't care who he was or what he would do.

"You could've fucking killed him." I spat, glaring at him. "He was unconscious and you kept going at it! What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted, shoving him back with my hand that wasn't hurt.

"I didn-" I cut him off yet again, gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw.

"Don't. Talk. To. Me." I said slowly. "If this is your way of winning me over, then have fun trying because I love Harry and I'm staying with him." I spat, shoving him as I walked past and rushed over to Harry who was being taken to an ambulance outside of the arena at the moment. I ran past all of the hysterical girls, which wasn't a smart idea at all, and managed to convince them to let me ride in the back of the ambulance.

"Both ribs are broken, he's having trouble breathing." A doctor said, putting an oxygen mask as I sat and tried not to cry, my hand covering my mouth.

"One more kick and he would've broken his neck for sure." I heard, which sent me into a whole new level of tears and sadness. Harry always gets hurt. Someone always gets hurt. And it's all because of me.

I always cause all of the problems, don't I?

Maybe I should just leave.

Yeah. Leave.


Sorry if it's a short chapter, in a horrible mood at the moment, today's been absolute shit. But I decided to update, aha.

If you'd like, leave some feedback and comment, vote, or fan. Means a lot. Love you guys no matter what.

Noticed its chapter 30.. Didn't think I'd get this far to be honest, it's all thanks to your support, it means very much to me.

I might take a little break as well because I need some time away from things, I've been really stressed lately. Hope you all understand, love you.xx -M

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