Chapter 9

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Katerina's POV

After stopping by my house and grabbing a few things, my mother thankfully not being there, we took his car to the beach. "So, the beach is kind of split up into three different places. Over there is the residential area, and the other side is where a couple of shops are. The center is the party place. Lots of bars, clubs and such, people walking all around and stuff." I explained, shrugging. 

"Sounds pretty cool," Harry said, looking around at all the things going on. 

"Not really," I laugh, parking the car and getting out with him. He helped with the surfboards and such, and we walked down to the beach, finding a spot that was more on the empty side of the beach so he wouldn't get recognized. "Surfs up, Styles." I laugh, sliding off my shorts and shirt, then grabbing my surfboard and running off to the shore.

"Hey!" Harry called out, laughing as he stripped his shirt off, causing me to stop in my tracks and scan him quickly, but he seemed to notice, a smirk planting itself onto his lips. Cocky bastard. I shook my head, amused and continued running as he grabbed the other board and followed me.

The rest of the evening consisted of us at the beach, messing around in the water and a failed attempt at showing Harry how to surf. It was hilarious though, so I didn't mind.

Now, we were both lying on the sand on a blanket, the beach almost practically empty, considering it was late.

"That was fun," Harry said, breaking the silence that fell upon us for a few minutes, and he turned his body sideways so he was looking at me.

I laughed, nodding in agreement. "It was, most fun I've had in a while." I smile, turning as well and facing him. 

"Skinny dipping would make it more fun," Harry joked, chuckling quietly as I smacked his arm playfully.

"In your dreams," I say, laughing as I stuck my tongue out at him and sighed. "We should probably get going, it's late." I said, not really wanting to go back home, to my mother and father arguing once again.

"Who cares if it's late?" Harry laughed, pulling me up. "It's only about ten, that's not late." He teased. "Let's go grab some drinks!" He said.

"Harry, we're in America, you can't drink and I can't either." I laugh, biting my lip and shaking my head.

"I'm Harry Styles, I think I'll be able to get into a bar and have some drinks." He grinned innocently, dragging me over to the nearest bar that was close to his car.

"Um.. Alright, why the hell not?" I said, laughing and letting loose. Live a little, Kat. Live a little. Even if it meant getting wasted and waking up with a hangover.

"That's the spirit!" Harry laughed as he chatted with the person at the entry who asked for ID, and to his luck, it was a girl. So he turned on the charm, and it actually worked, since now he was dragging me inside and up to the counter, plopping me down onto a seat and sitting next to me.

"Drinks are on me, get whatever you'd like, newbie." Harry teased, ruffling my hair.

"But.. I don't know what to get." I laugh, looking at him. "I've never done this before, shut up." I said after seeing the look on his face.

"Can we get two rounds of shots, please?" Harry called to the bartender, and he obliged, automatically knowing who he was. He set ten shots in front of Harry, and ten in front of me, causing my eyes to widen.

"Drink," Harry ordered, chuckling quietly and watching me.

"All ten?" I asked, bewildered. "Are you insane?"

"No, I'm not, it's easy. Watch." Harry laughed, downing shot after shot until he finished the tenth one. "Now drink." He said, grinning, and I could tell he was a little bit tipsy. Imagine how I'll be, since I've never drank in my entire life.

I picked up a shot glass and drank it, cringing at the bitter taste of it. "This is disgusting," I laughed, setting the empty glass down and looking at him, shaking my head.

"Drink." Harry said simply, indicating the other nine shots that were left on the table. I groaned, but knew I had no choice and drank the rest of them, feeling silly after I finished.

"Whoa, this is amazing," I giggled. "Can I have more, please!" I slurred to the bartender, and he set another round of shots in front of me, which I immediately drank quickly. Harry had another round, and he looked a little bit worried for me, not wanting me to go overboard.

"I want mooore," I slurred, giggling uncontrollably.

"Actually, I think that's enough for now, Kat.. Next time, okay?" Harry said, laughing a little bit at how silly I was being. 

"No! I want. More!" I said, pouting childishly at him. "Whoa, what happened to your hair?" I giggled, hiccuping. "It's all sticking up." I said, nearly falling off of the chair.

"Okay, come on.." Harry laughed, picking me up and taking me out to his car. He was tipsy, but he knew how to control it enough to get to the hotel he was staying at. He didn't think her parents would love for him to drop her off at her house, drunk.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking around as he set me into the passenger seat of the car, and put my seatbelt on.

"The hotel I'm staying at," He replied, chuckling quietly as he got into the driver's seat and sped off.

"Oooooh," I giggled. "So, I'm staying overnight?" I hiccuped, more giggles flying from my mouth, and his eyes widened as he shook his head quickly.

"No, no, no. You are staying overnight, but not the way you think." Harry explained, and I pouted.

"Aw, okay. You're no fun." I said, messing around.

Harry rolled his eyes, now amused as we got to his hotel and he carried me up to the room he was staying in. He took me to the bedroom and set me down on the ground. "Go to sleep, okay? You're too drunk." Harry laughed.

"Too drunk for what?" I slurred, confused.

"Nothing..?" Harry questioned, confused as well, and then he paused.

"What?" I giggled, looking up at him, then was taken by surprise as his lips planted onto mine. Even though I was drunk, I knew exactly was going on, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was somewhat drunk.

Harry was kissing me.

As that thought registered into my mind, the soberness suddenly took over and I pushed him off, slapping him.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I hissed, my protective and untrusting side showing. The scary, hurt one. But then, just like that, it went away.

"I'm s-so sorry, I-I.." I tried to say, but then burst into tears.

Harry watching me with wide, confused eyes, a hint of hurt showing in them.


Thanks so much for reading. Sorry if it's a bad chapter, I was in a hurry and I had absolutely no ideas on what to do, my mind literally blanked when I opened this up.. >.<

Thank you for reading, though! Please VOTE, or COMMENT your feedback, would mean a lot! Love you all<3 -M xx

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