Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

Every day I saw the two of them together, my heart broke a little more in the process. I couldn't even look at the two of them together without my insides boiling with pure jealousy, and it was even worse whenever they kissed, cuddled, hugged. They seemed so happy together, but that was the last thing on my mind right now. The only thing I was focusing on was to get the two of them to break up. Sometimes, it felt like Harry was purposely rubbing their relationship in my face, and that just made me hate him more than I already did.

A part of me didn't want a girl to tear our friendship apart, but a part of me didn't care. Because I wanted her. Or maybe I just wanted to prove that I could get a girl that Harry wanted.

No, I actually like her, more than I've liked any girl I've met before. It just wasn't fair because Harry had everything a girl could want. Confidence, looks, personality, build. He's a charmer, of course they would all go for him. I thought I actually didn't stand a chance, but I was going to try anyway. I just feel like Kat would be better off with me instead of Harry. Harry should just go back to his ex girlfriend.

His ex. That's it.

I picked up my phone and quickly dialed the number, hesitating before I pressed the call button. What's a better way to get them to have problems than to bring an ex back into the picture? Kat would get jealous and then come to me for help on what to do. Then, I've just got to trick her into thinking Harry's the bad guy.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar, annoying, feminine voice ring through my ears.

"Lena, it's good to talk to you again.." I smirk, pausing. "I need you to do something for me."

"Oh, Niall! Sure, anything." She replied, her loud, high pitched voice making me cringe slightly.

"Remember Harry? Well, he wants you back. Really badly, he's completely lost without you and I need you to come over and fix it." I lied smoothly, grinning to myself. This was the perfect plan.

"I'm on my way." She said excitedly, and then before I could reply, she hung up. I shrugged and set my phone down, casually heading downstairs to the living room where Kat and Harry were currently sitting on the couch. Not even ten minutes later, there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Harry, could you get that? I'm too lazy to get up." Kat said, smiling sheepishly.

"Of course, babe." Harry replied, kissing her forehead as he stood up and walked over to the door, grabbing the handle and swinging the door open.

Harry's POV

With me and Kat back together and taking things slow, I couldn't be any more happier than I am right now, lounging on the couch with her cuddled up to me. Nothing could ruin my mood any longer ever since she told me that her and Niall were friends and nothing was going on between them. Ever since she told me that and I knew she was telling the truth, my hatred and jealousy towards him had disappeared. Well, I'm not sure that was mutual because I noticed Niall was acting a little differently, and I wasn't sure why. Everytime I caught his eye, he was glaring at me. And whenever I was with Kat and I looked at him, he was watching us with a sour look.

Kind of like right now. I thought everything was fine when he came downstairs, his usual happy self, but there was something strange about the smile on his face. It was sort of mischievous, like he was up to something, but it was definitely not a prank. I must've been thinking about it too much, though, since he simply smiled at us and started watching the football game.

I was about to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door, and then the adorable face of my girlfriend looked up at me.

"Harry, could you get that? I'm too lazy to get up." She said sheepishly, smiling cutely at me. I was comfortable in my position, but I couldn't say no to her.

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