Chapter 7

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Katerina's POV

I know I said I was going to stay up extremely late considering it was Friday, but I suddenly got really, really tired. Mainly just mentally exhausted, what with all the thoughts running through my mind about all of the events that had happened recently. So, I went to bed. Thing is, it's been over an hour and I still couldn't fall sleep, my mind clouded with thoughts about everything, still unable to get it out of my head.

I mean, not even a week ago, I was thinking and planning out all of these things I would say to the boys if I ever met them, or got the chance to speak to them. But now that I've actually got the chance, my mind completely blanked. I didn't know what to say to them any longer, what I had planned before had just disappeared. The things I did remember to say to them though, well, it seemed kind of silly now because I saw them in a whole new light.

I saw them as friends. Hopefully they saw me as a friend, too. But I don't know whether or not they would consider me more than just an acquaintance, more than just a stranger.

I was just really glad that things were seeming to finally go right for me, but I was so used to it getting ruined, that I knew something horrible would happen to just ruin this whole, entire thing. Maybe I would finally have someone who listened to me. Who even bothered to take some time and listen to what I had to say, instead of just immediately shutting it down.

Today, was a good day, of course. The real me was still here, and I was having fun while it lasted. Hey, Harry was right. I just needed to live a little and be happy and fine, deal with everything else later.

And that, was exactly what I was going to do. Live, be happy, because life really is too short. It could be taken away from you in less than a second, and I wanted to cherish what I had left of my life.

After a few hours more of thinking about just everything, I drifted off to a uncomfortable sleep, as usual in the quiet, empty house.

The next morning, or should I say afternoon, I woke up in quite a good mood. I had a smile on my face, and I jumped into the shower, singing some tunes as I washed up. When I finished, I stepped out and dried my hair, getting dressed in some black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, then slipping on some shoes. I left my hair naturally curly and then skipped down the stairs, phone in hand.

But then, I ran into my foster mother, and surprise, surprise, she was in a terrible mood.

Before she could make any comment, I grabbed my keys and practically sprinted out of the door, opening my car door and getting in, shoving the key into the ignition and taking off, not exactly planning on where to go. I didn't want her to ruin my mood again, not today. Today was my day. I would do whatever the hell I wanted. As soon as I turned eighteen though, I was definitely getting out of that house.

So, I kind of just drove around for a while, unsure of where to go. Until I drove by what sort of resembled a beach, but not really. There was sand, and a river, but it definitely wasn't big enough to be a beach. It looked pretty though, so I parked my car a bit away and walked over, spotting a large tree. I climbed up it and sat on a steady branch, knowing I was having one of those moments.

One of those moments where I just didn't feel like socializing and just sitting somewhere, questioning everything. I felt like this place was probably going to be my place, in a way. The place I would go to, for some thinking time. I couldn't wait until my birthday, until I finally turned eighteen so I could move out and away from my foster family.

You might think I sound crazy for wanting to do that, but the thing is, I literally hated them. And I'm positive they hate me. They've never liked me, they never listened, they always shut down everything I said, so what I did was I shut my mouth and never spoke up about anything. It also didn't help that the mother was a drunk, the father was never around, and the teenage daughter they had was snobby, who also never seemed to be home either, always staying at someone else's house. In my opinion, I was different from most teenage girls. I wasn't after partying, relationships and all that jazz. I didn't really trust anybody, I've set my thought process on thinking that nobody would care about what I had to say. They would just say I'm stupid.

But maybe that would change.

"Kat?" I suddenly heard, the familiar raspy, deep voice filling my ears, causing my head to snap towards the direction of his voice in disbelief. I almost thought I had imagined it for a moment.

"Harry?" I asked softly, looking down from the tree and noticing him standing below it, staring back at me with those green eyes of his, confusion and uncertainty now filling them.

* *

So this chapter kind of just came to me. I wanted this to be a happy story, but not everything is perfect :) Decided to put a little mystery in there of what she's been through, because it'll be leading up to an important part of the story! And surprise, surprise! What is Harry doing there, he's not supposed to be in America! Thank you guys so much for reading this story, it really means so much to me, thank you. Fan, vote, comment, love you all <3 -M. xx

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