Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

My heart was pounding incredibly fast and I was sweating uncontrollably, my breathing coming out in quick, shallow pants. My sides hurt like hell, as if someone had just tore me open and shattered my ribs into pieces with a hammer. Everything was coming to me in flashes, the concert, bringing Katerina on stage. Niall and Katerina kissing. Now I felt like someone had just tore me open and shattered my heart into pieces with a hammer instead, the pain from my throbbing heart that seemed to break even worse than the unbelievable pain in my sides. Then I remembered what happened afterwards. I wasn't me, I somehow turned into a completely different person after I saw their lips touch. I went.. I went crazy. I didn't even remember what happened. All I knew was that person wasn't me right there. It was as if I had a dangerous side that was hiding, that had been unleashed just by a simple kiss. I actually felt sorry. I didn't mean to do what I did, Niall was simply acting in defense. But I don't think that things between the two of us will ever be the same, as sad as it is. I still felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and torn into shreds, and my mind resumed to thinking about the two of them. Replaying the image in my mind of him pulling her towards him, their lips connecting almost as if they were perfectly molded together. The look of surprise that etched across her face. Wait. Did she kiss back?

No, she couldn't have kissed back. Of course she didn't. But almost as if on replay, the scene kept showing itself in my head over and over and over. Anger and jealousy built up inside of me rapidly and the beeping coming from the heart monitor irritated me to no end. I just wanted to get out of here and beat the living hell out of him for touching her. For kissing her. No one was allowed to kiss her or touch her like that. No one. I wouldn't allow it, she was mine. But did she kiss back? That was the question; now what was the answer? As much as it hurt, I replayed the scene in my mind repeatedly, analyzing every one of their actions and the result made me want to punch a hole in the wall. It made me want to rip his head off.

She kissed him back. The thought swirled around my head continuously, each word sending me into a brand new frenzy of anger, hurt, pain, and jealousy. Making me want to hurt him so badly, to force him to leave her alone. He would finally get out of the way. I couldn't handle it anymore, I needed to get out of this horrid place, and I needed to find him now. Not caring that I wasn't supposed to, I got out of the hospital bed, not even acknowledging the pain in my ribs. Dried blood was stained on my shirt and the bandages covering up my stomach, cuts marked my face, but I didn't care and I walked out of the hospital room, passing by nurses who looked at me confusedly; some even looked at me in fear.

"Mr. Styles, you're not al-" I heard a nurse start to say, but I cut her off, almost rudely and smirked, pulling my wallet out of my back pocket and handing her a couple of hundred dollar bills.

"This never happened." I whispered to her quietly, my eyes darting around the waiting room to make sure no one had caught onto our little exchange. With her help, no one would notice I had left the hospital when I wasn't supposed to.

She gulped and nodded quickly, and with that, I quickly walked out of the hospital and looked around to figure out my surroundings. Walking wasn't exactly the best idea, and the hotel we had checked in at temporarily was about twenty minutes away if I walked. I searched the car park and couldn't find any sort of transportation, so I headed for the street and spotted a guy around my age on a motorcycle, stopping at a red light. I smirked deviously and quickened up my pace, soon reaching his position and I grabbed the back of his jacket, shoving him off of the motorcycle.

"What the f-" He started to say, but I had already got onto the motorcycle and revved up the engine a bit, sliding my sunglasses on.

"Just shut up, kid." I said, looking at his SnapBack and I quickly took it off his head and put it on my own, not waiting for the light to turn green as I sped off, cars honking and people rolling down their windows and yelling profanities at me, but I could honestly care less. I needed to take care of something, these people yelling at me were the last thing on my mind. I pulled up to the hotel on the motorcycle and carelessly leaned it up against the wall, not caring if anybody stole it; it wasn't mine after all, and then I got rid of the hat and sunglasses. I impatiently waited for the elevator doors to open, and soon enough they did, allowing me to step inside and press the button for the top floor we had rented out ever since the incident at the concert. It was the penthouse, and we all had enough rooms to stay in there together, the rest of the crew staying on other floors, so surely enough everyone would be there. And by the time I walked into the room, I was right, hearing conversation going on throughout the large penthouse room, and Niall suddenly appeared into the living room. As soon as I spotted him, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed him up against the wall, startling everybody else, but even before they already looked panicked for some strange reason.

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