Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

"Oh my god. Shut up or we're going to get caught." I whispered to Niall, shoving him gently which caused Niall to laugh quietly, yet again. We were eavesdropping on Louis, Liam, and Zayn who were about to ask Kat about the fair thing, and Niall randomly decided to have a laughing fit out of nowhere.

"Okay, okay, I'm shutting up. We're not going to get caught, chill." Niall whispered back.

"Shh." I say, rolling my eyes and putting a finger up to my lips as they started talking. I peaked up around the corner, spying on them.

"Kat! I completely forgot! How about you go to the fair with us today?" Louis piped up, grinning.

"Um.. I don't know, I'm not sure." Katerina replied, playing with her hands. "Will the other two be there?" She asked.

Well, ouch. She can't even say our names, she must be pretty upset with us. Maybe this isn't going to work out.

"Well yeah, but don't worry. Me, Liam, and Zayn will make sure you don't get involved with them." Louis lied smoothly, smiling at her.

"Come on, it'll be a ton of fun!" Zayn said.

"Pleaseeee come with us." Liam begged, giving her his best puppy dog look.

"Oh god, Liam cover your face. Now." Kat laughed. "That isn't fair. Ugh, fine, I'll go." She pouted, giving in.

"Always works." Liam laughed.

"Whatever." She said, sticking her tongue out at him, which caused me and Niall to smile a bit. We were just glad she could be happy even after what happened.

"Anyway, go and get ready, quick! We're leaving now." Louis laughed, pushing her towards the stairs whilst me and Niall did a little victory dance in the kitchen like idiots. She agreed, which meant that our plan was being put into action.

-Half an hour later-

The car ride was awkwardly silent, and I instantly regretted not taking the decision of riding in a separate car. No one was talking, and no one bothered trying to. They just busied themselves with their phones. But of course, I forgot my phone, along with Kat, and we both were left to sit across from each other.

But it was eventually put to an end, and Kat didn't hesitate to get out of the car. As soon as we were all out, we entered the fair. Louis and Kat up front, then Liam and Zayn, and finally me and Niall in the back.

"Hey, boys! Look, it's the ride!" Louis grinned, and we all looked confusedly to where he was pointing.

"The one we always go on." He explained, indicating for us to go along with it, and then we all nodded.

"I think I'll pass, I'm not a huge fan of rides." I laugh, shaking my head. "Me either." Kat added, glancing at me before looking away quickly.

"I think I'm going to look for some food, I'm quite hungry." Niall said.

"Suit yourselves." Zayn shrugged, waving and then he ran off with Liam and Louis, leaving the three of us alone like we had planned.

"Um, you know what? I think I'm going to go look for some cotton candy or something." Kat spoke up nervously, biting her lip.

"I'll join." Niall said.

"Same. We're not crazy, you're not going to be alone here. There's a ton of people." I said, going over to her other side as we started walking.

Kat frowned a bit, then sighed, knowing she wouldn't have a choice. What slightly upset me was that Niall had taken her hand, almost as if he didn't even notice what he was doing. So, I took her other hand.

"Lets go check out that game, yeah?" Niall said, pointing to the game where you had a huge hammer and you hit it on the stump to try and get the ringer to the top.

"Why not?" I say, taking this as a chance to impress Kat and win her something, my competitive side coming out again.

"Lets go." Niall grinned, and I knew he was thinking the exact same way, but little did we know that Kat was still thinking about how ridiculously stupid we were being, and that we didn't have to do any of this to impress her.


I think most of the future chapters are going to be quite short now, because I've barely got any time to write :(

I'm ending this one right here cause I've got to go eat breakfast, hehe. But I hope you all like it, sorry for the inconvenience :/

Please fan, vote, comment. Thank you for reading! Lots of love -M xx

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