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Kellin leaves in a few days. Lexi wishes all her time could be spent with him, but sadly she has work today. Kellin was still asleep when Lexi got up to get ready. 'of course he would be Lex its 5:30 am' she thought to herself as she took a quick shower to help wake her up a little bit. Once Lexi finished her shower she dried off and wrapped the towel around her body then wrapped another around her hair. Lexi brushed her teeth, then walked out of the bathroom to grab a pair of skinny jeans and a dark blue v neck, That was Lisa's dress code Jeans and a dark blue shirt, and closed toe shoes, Lexis choice either being her TOM's or her Vans. Once Lexi was dressed for work she gave Kellin a kiss on the cheek and wrote him a note reminding him where she will be and what time she gets off today.


Lexi just arrived at work for the day. She stopped in and said hello to Lisa who was in her office, before she clocked in and got to work. She noticed a new person working the front register, ' Must be the new girl Beth told me about' Lexi thought and made a mental note to introduce her self later when things slow down. It was nearing 6 am so some older people started filing through the doors to have a quick breakfast before there busy work day, or here with there wife for there morning breakfast routine.


The breakfast rush is over now and there are only 3 people and its an older couple and their granddaughter. Lexi took this as an opportunity to introduce herself to her new co-worker.

"hello" Lexi said walking up to the girl. The girl seemed to shy away from Lexi.

"I'm Lexi, one of your co-workers" Lexi said with a warm smile watching the girl ease up a little at the gesture.

"I-I'm S-st-Stephani" she stuttered. Lexi examined the young girl. She had beautiful bright blue-green eyes, she was wearing a couple of band bracelets on her arms. She also has her hair dyed a purple that fades to this beautiful pink (picture attached to my last post).
She seemed cool. Maybe Lexi can make a friend that isn't her boss or her granddaughter.

"Those are some great bands" Lexi told her trying to start a conversation with Stephanie.

"You like them?" Stephanie said a little shocked.

"Are you kidding me? of course I love them!" Lexi said letting out a laugh and smiling.


"Bye Stephanie, It was great to meet you. Text me sometime and we can get together and hang out or something." Lexi yelled towards Stephanie as they both walked in opposite directions.

Though Lexi hasn't known Stephanie for that long she feels they will become great friends one day.


Chapter 6! Hope yall like this. Is this good Steph? hope you liked it.

Q: What Band had a hidden track on one of their albums called Blood? it would be nice if you gave the album name as well.

first to get the right answer will get the next chapter dedicated to them.

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